I actually have two personas on my PC. My hidden one for Blogger privacy and my other one for the real world. Yes, it is all way too complicated for an elder world. Thus, it has taken me some days to be brave enough to log in here.
I did not get logged out of bank accounts or doctors' portals which is good!
Because I am a slow elder and cannot really understand the difference between Google and Microsoft and why I need passwords for those, it has taken me days working to try to get this all straightened out once again on my computer and I was not the one hacked! I am not sure that I have completed my work, but I am here at Blogger once again! (I have lots of blog reading to do.)
There is a bright side to every storm front and that was we got phone calls from friends we hadn't heard from in decades!! (How can they be friends if we do not keep in touch you may ask? Well, when you have lived a long life you leave friends like breadcrumbs as you move around) Hubby actually had a week full of long phone calls with old pals as we caught up on their lives. I think his (fake email) call for help had many worried due to the real issues with Corvid19. It was almost like being able to travel about once again.
I was involved in some of the calls as both of our cell phones and landline could be busy at the same time. Two of the callers asked if we were Republicans? I am not sure why they thought this had to do with anything, but I explained that I was not and would not talk politics with them if they felt that was not a good thing. They dropped the subject and we went on to other issues!
I know so many nice people and some of my FB friends have said the same for them knowing nice people who support Drump. I am not saying I am dismayed by conservatives...as I am liberal on some issues and conservative on others. I am dismayed by friends who are The Donald supporters because our current leader is a disease...not an ideology.
I do sometimes wonder if challenges such as computer problems become more important because we are so isolated these days and feel even more so when cannot connect electronically.
Well, now I need to go write about our long canoe trip the other day on my other blog.