Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Where Have I Been?

Where?  Here: fighting insomnia with a half pill of an over-the-counter sleep aid, dreaming deep complex dreams ( not necessarily bad dreams, just exhausting detailed events usually full of people I know), binge-watching my favorite British mysteries, and perhaps just procrastinating.

I have gotten housework done.  I probably do this because it takes my mind off of things.  Since we are home more, and hubby and I are together more, I find that hubby is slowly losing his short-term memory.  I may remind him 3 times a day, and unless it is something he wants to get done, it does not get done.  His mother started to lose her memory at his age, and that hangs over my head.  He has left the burner on twice this year!  He is aware of it and worried as he gulps down tons of flavinoids.  He is the one I always turned to for making plans and arranging trips. Good thing we do not have any trips in the future.  I am still trying to get him to cancel the hotel reservations in Hawaii that we made for our 50th anniversary.  We were going in December, even though our anniversary is actually this coming August.

My daughter is coming down the end of this week for us to babysit her dog while her family takes a vacation to the beach in South Carolina.  They have friends down that way.  We bought a timeshare there and they never want to use it, so now I have to figure out how to get rid of it.

I have an uptick in a chronic cough I have had for years.  This is not the time for that because of the pandemic.  I have no fever and do not feel exhaustion, so I just want this cough gone and in the past, the doctor has designated it is caused by post-nasal issues/allergies.  It will go away for months, but lately, it is hanging in there.  It will be hard to schedule a diagnostic appointment.

On another dark note, the south side of our brick home has a rather impressive crack in the brick going down 2.5 stories to the ground, and it now looks like we will have to install two of those helical piers to correct the foundation on that side.  4 to 5K!  Waiting for the engineer's estimate.  Hate to see the home I love aging.

A bad news/good news bit is that our neighbors who we like very much are moving to a larger community to the north.  The good news is that have a teak(!) gazebo that they gave to us and with our helper, we are converting it into an arbor for under the dogwood tree in the front yard.

Good news...there must be no particular order...I will get to see the grand-children briefly when they come down in a few days.  
Good news...I have air conditioning in this hellish summer.
Good news...I am eating very healthy with all the fresh fruit and veggies from summer garden booths and our own garden.

Good news...I found a young gal to cut my hair out on my deck and she is pretty good.  We are slowly beginning to understand how to communicate how I like my hair.
Good news...I have a lot of e-books and regular books still waiting to be read.
Good news...I still have blogging and bloggers to "take me away."


  1. Sounds like you're busy, mostly in a good way. I too have some of those coughs caused by post-nasal issues/allergies. It comes and goes. I use Allegra sometimes (doesn't really help) and Flonase (helps a little). Enjoy your new arbor!

  2. My husband has that cough, too. But when he got Covid (we assume that is what it was back in March), the cough was entirely different, and it didn't stop. All day and all night long he coughed, and had chest pain but never had to go to the doctor, other than teleconferencing. She said if he had trouble breathing to call 911, but he did get better and didn't have to. Congratulations on acquiring that lovely teak arbor! :-)

  3. These days of isolation are difficult, aren't they? Thank goodness for the bright spots like your new free teak arbor and getting your hair cut outside.

  4. I had a short burst of house cleaning energy. that's gone now. everytime I get a tickle in my throat and have a coughing spell it freaks me out. but then it goes away. sorry to hear about the crack in the bricks. foundation work is the pits. great score on the teak arbor and hair cutting. I missed my hair cut this spring. guess I'll have to wait til next year now if I want it long enough to cover my neck this winter.

  5. I've had a cough for 20 years, sometimes it's worse than others, sometimes it's dry, sometimes very loose - had it since my radiation in 2000 and I call it my radiation cough. But funny thing is, my cousin in N.O. and her mother both have/had this cough too. Doctors say everything from post nasal drip to reflux, asthma, etc. I consider it an old folk's cough. Worse in the morning and after eating - gotten use to it. Doctors in N.O. ran all sorts of tests on my cousin. Didn't find anything. Cough drops work pretty well.
    Love British mysteries!

  6. Although I cough and sneeze at some point during the day every single day of my life, these days I always hope no one is passing by my open window to hear.
    There is always something with a house. The aging process is often no fun for people and/or places. I'm glad you were able to include some good news.

  7. Dealing with surgery recovery has put me in a funk. Poor sleep is a plague I am sharing. I finally broke down and took a codine pain pill. now I hurt less but I'm in a big grog. I think I have to go lie down. Sorry I can't help lift your spirits at the present time, but this too shall pass.

  8. I have to take a mild sleeping pill nightly to help me live a semi normal life.

  9. We've had the foundation repaired here, more than once, so i do understand.

    Keep looking for good news, for reasons to be grateful. It does help.

  10. Good that you have found good news in the midst of the rest of what's going on. We need that so much.

  11. It's a strange world when you nearly choke yourself trying not to cough in public. An unexpected cough caught me with one hand holding my purse, and the other extracting small change from it. I didn't have time to turn my face into my elbow, instead gave a choking cough into my purse. I must have looked embarrassed (or comical) as the lady behind the counter burst out laughing and said, "Doesn't sound serious to me!" and reached across to give my arm a pat just to prove she felt safe being near me. I've been a bit "all sorts" lately too, a bit up and down, I wonder if it's not a post covid thing, an after effect of the isolation, and constant fear mongering we have been subjected to. I hope your new arbor will be a place you find pleasure. It looks lovely.

  12. Sleeping is an issue for me too. I do nap when I need to though.

    We needed work done in our backyard and it’s costing a good amount too. Just hope it solves the issue.

    I worry about my husband’s short term memory too. And my own. Whoever said these were the golden years?

  13. Glad to read y'all are all right.
    Try setting the phone timer when you turn on the stove or other rules, like not leaving the stove once it is turned.
    I still worry even when I'm standing there. The stoves here are touchy, sometimes the oven is on without a light showing.

  14. Thank you for making an entry. Yes, I worried, and I'm so sorry he has begun fading. Glad you both are eating well as evidenced by the berries. I'm at Comic Con. It's free, and the panel on Art and the Holocaust was awfully good.
    Doubly sorry about that ugly crack. Do let us know if you survive the repair. :)

  15. It is nice to read you, keep up with the good news.

  16. I saaw on the news this morning how hot it is there. So sorry you have been knocked out by the heat. I miss you.

  17. I bet you get a lot of dirty looks when you cough in public!
    You seem to be quite at liberty to meet with people and even travel away from home. Are there no restrictions where you are? Or is it just too hot to move much.
    I hope your hubby’s forgetfulness is within reasonable limits. Whatever it is, don’t worry too much already. It is what it is and you’ll cope.

  18. Hey, I'm back baby! Look forward to reading posts and catching up. If I can stay with it and not get lazy about it.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.