Saturday, April 20, 2024

Why Do I Feel Guilty?

My life plunges ahead and I keep thinking of my Bloggers and I find there is just no time ... or is it no motivation?  I just got a reminder from FB about one of the Bloggers that I read, who lives in Oklahoma (yeah, that wind sweeping down the plains... paradise!), intimating that this person could be a friend.  (Only FB data could "intimate").  It was not a friend request but one of those data mining things.  I am anonymous here on Blogger and clearly not anonymous on FB, but this does give one pause for thought about data mining, does it not? I thought I recognized her face...which is like going to a concert and seeing someone you think you know and then weeks later realizing it was someone from a former job!  

For those few who are empaths (poets in disguise) and worried...I am fine.  For those of you trying to remember who the hell I am...I am fine and still functioning with my photos and travel and navel-gazing--remember her(?)...and for those of you who DGAS...good for you!

I got back a few weeks ago from an expensive and remarkable and never-imagined cruise along the coast of South America.  I can post a few photos (LORD! I took 4,000.).   Maybe I will.  It was a cruise I would never have taken, except my 3 siblings and their spouses were going and they live so far away, I intuitively knew this would be golden.  It was listed as an "expedition."  That should give you a clue if you know anything about marketing.  Everyone there was over 60!  We did take Zodiac, Special OPs vehicles, and even a submarine to explore the ocean area.  There was also some land exploration of Santiago, Ushuaia, Buenas Aires, and a few small islands.

My husband's dementia was only mildly a problem.  He came back and had enough energy to go by himself to Ft. Lauderdale (his hometown) at the request of an environmental organization for a few days!

Yes, a lot of "S" has happened in my life.

Details?  Questions?  

Oh photos...Hell yes.  Next!