Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Sometimes We Get More Than We Need

In the United States, we have the beginning of the 'holiday season' which means some families can panic even more about their budget for gifts, some retirees will spend outside their budget limit for the grandchildren in order to be loved, some people will eat too much and be outside their calorie budget for most of the winter, some folks will be under their climate limit and wishfully want to move south, and some will second guess everything about what they have done with this one precious life thus far. 

I suggest that all those thoughts above be written down on a piece of paper and burned.  Yes, some of us will be lonely and think others are having much more fun and getting more love.  Yes, some of us will regret the lifestyle that led to health issues this month.   Yes, some of us will be in sad mode for those we have lost and wish were by our side.

This is the time to think about the wonderful times we had with those whom we loved and who are gone.  What a blessing to have had that bit of time with them!  This is the time to enjoy that mouthful of pumpkin pie with whipped cream and put all thoughts of calories away.  This is the time to be thankful that our grandchildren will remember our smile and our hugs and not that stupid expensive toy.  This is the time to remember the great days in our latitude with a better attitude.

Yes, the weather is cold and gray and your house may be quiet.  But put on a favorite sweater or throw and grab your book, sketch pad, or puzzle, and put on that great music you like and enjoy the gray afternoon.  When you are calm, call someone and ask how they are doing.  When the weather allows take a short walk like I do with a camera in hand and see if I can "frame" my life a little differently.

To all of my blog readers, thank you, thank you, for reminding me I am not alone in the world.

Four days ago we had the best morning sun!



  1. Thanks a lot for giving me reason to cancel my Thanksgiving pity party! LOL!
    Spot on words, seriously, thank you

  2. Beautifully expressed. Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  3. Happy Turkey Day to you! Looks like the dock sunk or the lake rose? Linda in Kansas

  4. Beautiful photo and good wisdom. Sometimes it takes work to get there but always worthwhile.

  5. It can be hard work to stay upbeat sometimes, but I work hard at it. This is a wonderful post. I hope it lifts you as much as it lifts us.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  6. I've been feeling kind of sorry for myself. I'll try to think of happy holidays with my children in the past.


  7. Another great photo and post. A great reminder to count our blessings! We all need it on occasion and Thanksgiving is one of them.

  8. You have encapsulated the important meaning of the holiday. And I too celebrate my dear blogging friends who light up my life!

  9. Anonymous10:33 AM

    In the midst of the greatest loss of my life so far I was surrounded by family and love who also feel the loss.

  10. I really am grateful for all my fellow blogging family because there are days that I might not be feeling perfect and I can reach out and connect with people I admire and learn from. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and looking forward to a fun holiday season.

  11. I spend the Christmas season very quietly these days...have done so for a number of years now. Once upon a time...but "once upon a time" has long have all my loved ones. I do think of them, and remember the happy times we shared with our Christmas table bending under the weight. :)

    I don't mind at all spending the Season in a quiet way. I won't be doing anything special.

  12. I enjoyed your post. something different. Hope you have a happy holiday season. Ill think of you rugged up while we are trying to keep cool.

  13. What a wonderful sentiment Tabor. Christmas holidays here we come!!

  14. Great reminders and thoughts for the coming season.

  15. Any day you are out and about with your camera is a good day for your followers, Tabor. Thanks for that delightful image and your other thoughtful reflections.

  16. I agree with your sentiments and send wiahes for a lovely time. Thanks for your blog.

  17. You are not alone for sure. You are among my favorite bloggers and I apologize for not letting you know this enough.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.