An appropriate name for the latest tropical storm that hit our area over the weekend. Many of the low-lying shops and low-lying streets in our coastal towns were flooded by about a foot to two feet of water. The population prepared, so no tragedies! At least 48 hours of rain and winds up to 50 miles per hour.
We had to head up to the city to Grand-sit this past weekend because my daughter and her husband were headed to the Eastern Shore beaches for a 50th birthday party for a friend. So we were stuck inside with the teenagers (only two since one is away at college) and my daughter was at the Eastern shore facing walls of wind and rain. I am sure they spent most of their celebratory time at the restaurants and bar!
The youngest boy was easy to entertain and watch (12 years old). We took some dog walks and saw a movie. The older girl was a real reminder about teenagers and teenage love. Her grades had been low and since she failed to update her parents on that situation she was grounded for the weekend except for being able to cheer at the football game. (The love of her life is a football player).
Photos were taken with my new Pixel phone since I did not take my camera due to the possible torrents of rain (which did not happen).
One of the sweet young things below is my granddaughter cheering her high school team and her boyfriend on.
Seems that when we got home she had to go back outside about 9:30 to meet her boyfriend who was dropping off a jacket! After 15 minutes we had to go out and get her back in the house. According to her mother who was on the Eastern Shore she is able to track her location and it seems she snuck out after we went to bed! I was listening carefully for noises but fell asleep at midnight. If I had not trusted her, I would have slept on the living room sofa and stopped her, but alas, I failed. My daughter did not think us old grandparents were at fault, but thanks to technology you can track your kids. They can even track their college kid and see where he is on the campus several states away!
Alas, teenage love is so beautiful and so dangerous.