Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Familiar Visitor

It was one of those odd early mornings about 3:30 AM.. yes, early! I woke up to go to the bathroom and then felt too rested to fall back asleep and headed to the living room to read a light silly romance that had been a break from my usual historical or biographical or environmental books.   I was near the end and perhaps could finish before sunrise.

 A light caught my eye through the French doors, and at first, I thought it was some new ugly spotlight from a neighbor's dock across the way.  Some of my neighbors are so fearful and perhaps a bit superstitious since they seem to think the light will chase away anything nefarious from their empty weekend getaways.  Yet, as I focused more carefully,  I  saw the glow was high in the trees and not a light but a soft vanilla moon smiling down at me.  A perfect spring night and sailing slowly across the Western sky with the black silhouette of new green leaves gently dancing in the front at the edges.  It was a celestial prom night, perhaps.

I felt that I had been blessed with such a lovely gift.  It was as if an old friend was smiling at me from a distance reassuring me that everything was in its place 'once again and for a while ' where it was supposed to be, pushing away my usual misgivings.  The shining circle seemed to gently grow as it moved closer to the horizon.  

I would have missed the light show if I had stayed in bed.  

I stepped outside, barefoot and camera in hand, without a tripod and impatient to try to capture the moment.  A bird was singing a single intermittent note as if to call forth the sun.   No mosquitoes, but the very tiny biting flies would soon find my warm breath, so a stolen photo would have to suffice.  The second photo below was on a calmer night with a steadier hand and was much earlier in the month when the moon was just an infant.

Of course, the news told me later that this full moon was the Flower moon and would be eclipsed for those on the West Coast in just a few hours.  But no dance show for me.  My orbed friend was too shy.


  1. You had a nice experience. It is good to rise early sometimes.

  2. I love to see the moonlight like that. We had an eclipse that was invisible for me because of the heavy clouds. Such a nice post, Tabor. It made my day. :-)

  3. ...and I slept through it all.
    Thanks for the note. Daughter Margot comes in about once a week to help.

  4. Such a beautiful way to describe a night with lost hours of sleep.

  5. Wow, what a nice surprise on a sleepless night.

  6. What a picture of the moon through the trees!!

  7. Ah, those early morning risings... maybe few and far between... but always there. I usually get up and get myself a cup of tea, check out the front window, etc. - glad you were able to enjoy the moon sighting. Only unusual thing I've ever seen early when looking out the front window early was a coyote on the front lawn.

  8. There is a benefit I suppose to getting up early. Serendipity can be a great companion.

  9. I'm glad you got to experience this magical moment. I missed it all.

  10. What a delightful treat.

  11. Beautiful experience, thank you for sharing

  12. Beautiful experience. We had the full eclipse but clouds covered it up. No photos.

  13. Your description of your visitor is excellent.

  14. my bedroom windows face south, no curtains as there is no one to see inside, and so I often see the full moon peeking through the leaves or, in winter, the branches of the pecan trees when I wake in the wee hours.

  15. Wow! You caught a gorgeous moon. We took a photo earlier in the evening. We just couldn't stay up until 1:20 to see the eclipse. How wonderful to wake up to such a lovely lunar feeling.

  16. I am happy that you woke on time to capture these pictures.

  17. I don't have your photography skills, but I've always been snap-happy. I would have done the same.
    My daughter fears that I'm going to be one of those people who fall off the mountain trying to get "the shot." But I won't. I have a fear of height. :)


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.