Tuesday, December 04, 2018

Part II of Stories We Tell

OK, now for Part II. If you have not gone ahead and listened to Malcolm Gladwell's Season 3 podcasts 3 and 4 on Revisionist History, go back to the prior post, click the link and I will wait...I will just look at the trees....If you are too busy, then it is your loss. I mean really. You would enjoy it.

OK. Here are three versions of the same event.  (I actually tried to search my blog to see if I had written about this story before but could find nothing, so maybe I am not repeating myself after all!)

I worked as an au pair for a family in Hawaii while I was in graduate school. They gave me food and a place to live and that saved me tremendously so that I could get my degree.

Version 1.
One afternoon my employer came to me to let me know they were having company for dinner and instead of eating with the kids (which I did when they had company), she asked if I would join them for dinner to make it a "foursome." She explained the young man they had invited was a biologist at the University. He had become a friend on a cruise that her husband had taken. They explained he was a bit nerdy on science and maybe somewhat intense, but I might find him interesting and they just wanted a fourth to balance the table. I reluctantly agreed as I was in the middle of mid-terms.  I figured that I would not join them for pre-dinner drinks and work on my term paper and show up before dinner later.

Version 2.  
The man who came to dinner (my future husband) tells the story a bit differently.  He says that they invited him to dinner because they wanted him to meet a young woman that they thought he would like.  They explained that she was charming and interesting.  He had been complaining to them that he could never seem to meet a "nice girl."

(As an aside, I was dating a number, small number, of guys while attending graduate school. I am guessing they were not impressed with my selection of dates.)

Anyway, that night I arrived later than my future husband felt was polite form and we did not hit it off.  I completely forgot that he did not seem to be nerdy because he seemed to be so offended that I was not super eager to meet him.  I remember thinking he seemed so full of himself!  The evening did not go well.  Hubby says that I was really offish to him the whole night!

Needless to say, we did not begin dating right after.  We did run into each on campus a few times and slowly got to know each other, and because hubby is a determined person, we actually did start dating a month or so later.

This year we stopped by on our Hawaii trip to meet up with the couple that brought us together over 46 years ago.  They are now in their late 80's early 90's.  We told them our versions of the story and they do not remember the story as going either way.  They said they just remember inviting us to dinner as a break for both of us working so hard in school.

Clearly, the truth of the story is somewhere in the depths of each person's version both at the time and in the following years as it gets re-told.  


  1. The love and respect of 46 years is the greatest version.

  2. What a wonderful story...all three versions. I agree with Salty Pumpkin...46 years is special.

  3. And I really like those trees a lot. :)

  4. I suppose much of those two versions could both be somewhat true.

  5. sort of like the blind men and the elephant. all three have a truth of the matter but all three are different.

  6. It's all in the prospective... but good to know that it worked out so well.

  7. It always amazes me how different stories from the past are told by those of us who were there. My sister and I cannot agree on many aspects of times gone by. Who knows? I love this story and believe that the best part is the next four-and-a-half decades. :-)

  8. It is also true that every child in the same family is raised by different parents. What happens depends on how it is filtered through our own experience of it.

    1. sorry, forgot to sign it, i don't know why blogger keeps putting me as Unknown.


    2. Messymimi, I somehow can figure out it is you. You do not write like any spammer.

  9. Whatever version is "right", all together they tell a story that I liked. I am always interested in knowing how people get together.

  10. Whichever way...it was serendipity....

    It was meant to be....46 years prove that to be so. :)

  11. Amazing how perspective changes a story. Yours was a successful one either way!

  12. Anonymous5:46 PM

    I think it is beautiful the way you met. By a couple who seemed to not realize their role! Andrea

  13. All a matter of perspective. Honestly, there are things that happened last week that my friend and I remember is completely different ways.

  14. All versions were true, but the aspect most important to that he person recalling it is what resonated in their memory I expect.

  15. ...the person recalling it......


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