Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Preserving the Memories

As I wrote awhile back I am in the process of trying to preserve organize photos.  I am starting with plain ordinary photographs, and then onto plain ordinary 8mm where I will look into preservation of such since projectors are going the way of the dinosaur and finally onto VHS tapes.  I organized the slides long ago and they are in neat little labeled boxes because they were created mostly BC (before children).  My move to preserving will begin with digitizing the movies once an index has been created.  I will probably never digitize the photos...except for my poor wedding album.

Below is one of the early photos that I came across in my husband's family collection box and I thought it was charming.  The photo was scanned in the sealed frame and I did not want to disturb it, so the clarity is a bit rough.  It was taken in the 1920's when his mother (the girl in the photo) was about 14 by her father, my husband's grandfather, who was a professional photographer in the city. 

On the back of the photo is written "Miss Folly---age 14-16?  Masonic Lodge"

As I progress on my research I will share what I learn in terms of preservation if you like.  It can get very technical and down in the weeds so I have to skim the surface in terms of information or both you and I will throw in the towel.  It also can be expensive, but maybe better than doing it yourself.  I once worked for USDA on a preservation project for printed materials, which was cutting edge at the time and a lot of work and more detail than I expected.

My first stop during this project--preservation and digitization-- has been the Library of Congress web site which researches this field professionally for all the libraries in the country and therefore, takes it pretty seriously and pretty comprehensively.  Wish me luck!


  1. Fabulous photo. Here we are ninety years later admiring her gorgeous self. Good luck on the project.

  2. What a great photo! Sounds like a quite an undertaking, looking forward to seeing what you find out!

  3. old photos are so cool, so different from the color photos of today.

  4. A huge project. I have a lot of old ones too, slides of our family during the growing up years and then videos before they had sound-- the Super 8. The kids have had zero interest in seeing any of it; so not sure I'll work on preservation but will be interested in how yours works out.

  5. What a keepsake old photo. I have several old albums with photos, but I have just stored them and hope for the best. My d-i-l's have asked for our wedding album (our 50th is this summer). Now, where did I put that?

  6. That is such a great photo and definitely worth preserving forever. Wow! What an usual costume.

  7. That photo is magic. I have a folder of loose pictures then an album of George's mom and dad to scan. I hope that's it. I will go to the library of congress site. Thanks.

  8. Tom has scanned and digitized a lot of old photos, and of course the newest ones are digital, but we have lots of in between photos that should probably be preserved.

  9. I love vintage photographs and this one is particularly appealing.

  10. We digitalized our old tapes in our family. It was a lot of work to organize, consolidate and edit -- and we hired someone to do the actual digitalizing, at a pretty hefty expense -- but this is our family. So it as worth it.

  11. Good luck! It's so difficult to keep changing how we store our memories.

  12. I envy your ability to take on such a task and know from following you that you will do a fabulous job.

  13. It sounds like a lot of work, but what fun. Who doesn't enjoy looking at pictures from the past.

  14. That is a simply fabulous old picture. I have a bunch of old slides and have wondered if it's possible to convert them somehow. I need to check it out. They are decades old and still seem pretty much the same. But I can't see them anywhere! :-)

  15. A treasure like that is certainly worth some effort.

  16. I love that photo but I can't figure out what's going on, just a unique pose? I'm lucky to get a few things scanned to representative the massive old photos I have. I have some of my dad's oldest photos and really appreciate when they are marked as to who and when! But I rarely do that. Oh well.

  17. cool iold pic! love it

  18. I have a box of slides and old movies I need to preserve. I'm not sure I have what it takes to get the box done. I'll listen to what you do before I decide.

  19. It appears that I'm thinking as some of the others who've commented... that I want to hear details of how you're progressing with this project. It takes a LOT of inspiration to tackle the old photo/video job!
    Love the pic!


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.