Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just Naysaying

I am tired of the naysayers.  Those who are the first to tell us why we cannot do something to fix something to test new waters.  Those who are the first to state how and why it will not work before giving it a real chance.  Those who offer no alternative but more of the same.

We cannot make school lunches healthier with more fruits and vegetables because the kids won't eat them and the school districts cannot afford the expense.  (Yet we seem to be able to afford the health consequences of obesity in our population years down the road.)

We cannot restrict the air pollution with newer laws because it will cost jobs and raise the cost of heating fuel.  Yet we can afford to listen to children have asthma attacks every evening and afford to give them more medicine, and perhaps watch them die an early death. 

We cannot expect cities to survive on solar panels as they are too expensive.  Some costs are projected at $30,000 per house!  Yet we can afford the endless resources needed to inject precious fresh water and chemicals into the ground and bring up finite fossil fuels, a process that also results in the release of carcinogenic chemicals into the air into nearby neighborhoods.  (I will also mention the idiot Congressional Representative who claimed we would diminish the winds on this earth by using wind power and thus make the earth warmer.  Please do not re-elect him.)

We cannot enforce laws that make men behave like civilized human beings, and if they do not, take away their guns, but we can expect women to carry their car keys as weapons on the way to parking lots, and know that the laws cannot assure them they will not be attacked by a male they know.  And we will make sure women are questioned on where they were, why they were there, why that time of day or night, what they were drinking, and how they were dressed during the attack.

We cannot expect students to be given reasonable loans for their college education because it would hurt the economy to socialize such a program and help future citizens get advanced education, but we can expect that large corporations get very reasonable loan rates on their HUGE federal loans after they destroyed the economy and created massive job loss.

We cannot socialize medicine, because although it works quite well in many, many other countries, in our country it will put the decisions of living or dying in the hands of state and federal bureaucrats and not the profit motivated insurance companies where it now lies, and of course, it will cost just too much.

I am happy to see that other countries such as Australia, Denmark, and the Scandinavian countries are moving forward on both social and economic fronts and proving us wrong.  Years from now they will be the standard for an advanced society and we will be the joke if we do not change our ways and put all of our people before the shameful profits of the oligarchy.

But then again we can just stimulate our economy by getting involved in another 1,000 year war as one Senator is promoting.


  1. What an excellent post. You have illuminated many head-shakers. From my perch up here in the Great White North, I often what the double hockey sticks some are thinking down there.

  2. Can't argue with any of them. What will it take to get a Democrat to run for president on the commonsense platform?

  3. I think all these issues are being addressed, dissent is healthy, compromise works and we are making progress.

    It can be frustrating, but pedal to the metal can be counterproductive.

    Wind power probably won't heat up the planet, but it is killing off raptors and other birds. Everything has consequences, where do we draw the line? Our system is slow, but it works, it may be frustrating when you know what is best, to convince everyone else, but good policy will eventually win out.

  4. Absolutely, great post thank you.

  5. Me,too, to EVERYTHING you've said!

  6. Outstanding!!! I can't believe some of the idiotic bills these politicians put together. Utterly insane...

    It would seem to me that there should be some kind of responsibility attached to guns of any caliber. If a person owns a gun, he's personally, financially and morally responsible for anything that is done with that gun. So why isn't there some sort of responsibility repercussion on these mass killings??

  7. On some of these things, it doesn't have to be either/or. We can start to implement some solutions today, they won't change everything overnight, and we just need the backbone to start them and see how they snowball.

  8. You are absolutely, 100% right here!

  9. Letter to the Editor!

  10. I couldn't agree with you more, and I have an idea which senator you're referring to. Take care.

  11. You speak for many. Eloquently.

  12. Will, we, can we, move fast enough on any of these issues to prevent further harm to ourselves and our planet? I don't know, and I fear the outcome of too slow a pace.

  13. I just love reading your posts! Your thoughts are mine, it seems!

  14. Most naysayers are too lazy to think n be creative, I've noticed.

  15. We're on the same team, Tabor.
    Anything anybody can do to advance any of these causes is worth something.

  16. I'm with you 1,000 per cent on this. We were early adopters of solar panels and are now in the black and enjoying free electricity and rebates. We have a pretty large carbon footprint nonetheless and can't claim to be environmentally correct.But the great destroyer of resources is warfare.


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