Wednesday, July 17, 2013

So Lucky

I am lucky today.
It is 4:00 in the morning and still dark outside, but I know it is a lucky day for me.
I look down at my polished toes that rest on the coffee table.
I can wiggle my toes, I am so lucky.
The coffee pot beeps three times to let me know that my coffee is ready.
I can clearly hear its high pitched call.
I am so lucky.
I can smell the rich liquid from the next room.
I am so lucky.
I listen carefully and hear my husband's gentle, regular breathing through the open bedroom door.
He can breathe, I am so lucky.
The fan above my head whirs mixing the cool and warm air across my skin.
I am so lucky.
I stretch fully and can feel the pull off every muscle.
I am so lucky.
There is a new Cook's Illustrated magazine to explore at my side.
I am so lucky.
There are chores to do followed by the reward of accomplishment and need.
I am so lucky.
There is a day of crazy photos and events to peruse posted by crazy Facebook friends.
I am so lucky.
There is another day to live vicariously through my exotic Blogger friends scattered all over the planet.
I am so lucky.
The first light of the sun is teasing and tickling my photographic eye.
I am so lucky.
I have been given another rich day.
I am so lucky.


  1. Gorgeous picture! Those early morning moments do lend themselves to gratitude.
    I saw the 4 AM light just the other morning and wondered at the sight. Then I fell right back to sleep because in my world light before 7 AM is just wasted.
    I have to get Mike to the hospital by 6AM on Friday--I am more anxious about that than the operation itself--at least for now!

  2. I think we have the same coffee maker....

    Beep, beep, beep.

    Does it beep, beep, beep and shut itself off after two hours?

    Do you have to pound on the lid to get the damn thing to open, like me? GIVE ME MY COFFEE! LOL!

  3. so much of the little things we take for granted you know...not realizing just how lucky we are in life for sure....oh i just stretched too at the suggestion...smiles.

  4. gorgeous photo and good to stop and think about such things now and again.

  5. Oh yes,
    I have the same thoughts
    In fact
    at 4:30 this morning I was right there with you.
    Much accomplished outside from 7:00 to 9:00
    and then breakfast.
    So lucky
    we are...

  6. Yes, yes, yes.
    Love this.
    Beautiful. :)

  7. I am so lucky that I read your post this morning. Thanks for the positive start to my day. I love gratitude.

  8. Yum, coffee. I love that time of day even though I see it very little. Magical, magical photo too.

  9. Lucky us to be inspired by your lucky day!

  10. Being lucky is good. Knowing you are lucky is better. Take care.

  11. NEAT post... We all need to re-post that on our blogs. We ALL have so much to be thankful for in this life, yet we don't always wake up with an attitude of thankfulness --and feeling blessed that we have been given another day... Hallelujah for this!!!! Thanks for a great post.

  12. When it comes to luck, we are all very rich with it. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. You are a very early riser. That's a beautiful time of day and what a good way to begin a day, with gratefulness.

  14. Wonderful. I'm lucky too. Isn't it lovely that we realize it?

  15. Lovely reminders of gratitude. Thank you for this.

  16. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Amen. If we slow down enough and really look around us, it's easy to see how blessed we are. I love how you expressed it!

  17. There's another day of magical folks at Comic Con to photograph,
    I am so lucky.

    Yes, what a wonderful piece. :) What lovely wedding and pre wedding photos too. I'm starting my day off with a smile thanks to you and my charged batteries. LOL

  18. Love these words, and the image is gorgeous!

  19. By coincidence I am reading this at 3.45 a.m. and it was great to be reminded of how lucky I am. It also made me smile so you achieved two things at once. Thanks very much.

  20. The only way I see that time of day is if I'm still up from the day before. I envy those that are morning people.

    Very lovely post. You are indeed a lucky woman.

  21. Yes you are. And so am I :) It's good to notice the important things.

  22. Indeed! It is all good. :)

  23. Love this early morning reflection and I often feel the same way. Not many would understand the clean slate of blogs and facebook ready to browse as being one of those lucky pleasures, but I do.

  24. You might have fun at Comic Con. Me, it's paradise for my artists eye and camera. All that color, all the textures and contrasts stir my sense of humor. I too always feel like a straight laced fish out of water, but I get there and have fun despite the crowds.

  25. ou are so lucky,
    except for the 4 am call.

    That’s when I fall asleep properly!

  26. I wish you many more times of having those feelings, because it's SO nice!

    I had a moment of it today during a torrential rain storm. It was SO nice to press the garage door opener and pull right into my house. Sometimes it's the little things.

    Lovely photo.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.