Americans who go to Europe become enthralled with the timber-framed houses, ancient stone castles, and old brick architecture that claims the history of the country. But, while in Amsterdam, I became intrigued by the edgy more modern architecture. Perhaps it is because I live in the country and rarely see cities or have time to walk about when I visit them.
All of the pictures below were taken in Amsterdam...just Amsterdam. There are some really dramatic modern buildings in other parts of Europe, but I did not get a chance to see those so I will share these.
Above is the ceiling as you enter the Van Gogh Museum which was remodeled just a few years ago. (I personally feel they totally failed on the sound suppression as the high floors get the brunt of the noise below in the open areas!)
Below is another museum...I think it was a marine museum.
My favorite is to try and capture a library or two! I wish I had had time to go inside.
Now for some more "edgy" buildings.
I think this above is a hotel?
Lots of buildings on stilts, maybe due to the fact that Amsterdam is below sea level.
Man seems to be getting smarter about environmental building, privacy in cities, affordability, and durability. I wish I had time to study the history of each of these projects and what the people thought after they were built.
(PostScript to Granny... I just did not find the time to do the Wednesday challenge...I refuse to admit that the word list was a bit terrifying.)