Monday, October 17, 2022

Aging and Patience (but not Birds)

Have I ever been a patient person? Well, of course, I must have been at one time because I raised two children.  You cannot survive that without some patience.  Raising children requires slowing your pace to their interests and play and work as much as you can.  Of course, with small children, you have to be able to shift gears smoothly and change the pace dramatically.  

When we first moved to this area and we wanted to meet the community ( we do not go to church) I signed up for a local Audubon class.  It met at the local community college about 20 minutes from the house in the evenings.  When my husband and I arrived the large classroom was empty except for one gray little man, the teacher.  We waited 5 or 10 minutes and then a younger, slightly attractive woman with an air of determination whisked in and sat next to us.  

With only three students the man began to discuss local birds of the area and provided some information on being able to recognize similar but different species.  It was an interesting, if not exciting, class. 

We met again the next week and the woman did not show.  Was she impatient at the pace of the class?  Was she disappointed that more people of the opposite sex closer to her age were not in attendance?  She clearly did not have the perseverance needed.

I continued to attend the 6 or so classes and am not really sure if it was due to my patience in expecting to learn something or perhaps my sensitivity to the poor man trying hard to create some community among local bird people.  The thought of him showing up to an empty classroom was harsh.

But back to patience.  In the event above, perhaps it was perseverance which is another word for patience.  

I have been married for OVER 50 years.  Is that due to endurance, grit, self-control, and leniency,  which are all synonyms for patience? Or is it due to imperturbability, passiveness, or moxie...also listed as synonyms for patience?

Love, caring, and responsibility are not listed there.

I have just spent two hours making reservations at two hotels and also making reservations for two separate tours as we head up to Pittsburgh and then on to Detroit.  It is EXTREMELY rare these days to talk to anyone when doing this.  It is all done by computers or "bots."  For this, I have NO patience.

After hours passed, I got a follow-up text from someone who texted "This is AYS with a question."  I was tired and mad and apologetically admit that I typed back "Who in the hell is AYS?"  This was followed by me texting "Ooops!"  The message that came back was "I'm sorry.  I'm a bot and I'm still learning.  Ask your questions and then navigate by selecting the buttons presented."

A bot that uses contractions and can sense when you are mad via text.  I am not ready for this new world.  Thinking about traveling less.

(And, yes, I know the font went wacky...I don't care...html is just outer space test.)


  1. You are a wonderful person with a good sense of humor. I hope y'all have Safe and smooth travels. The bird lecturer is a sweetheart to not cancel.

    Reading your bot experience, I didn't grasp well they recognize emotion even though I have watched and read about AI. The thought that there is a program saving what I say is disturbing. It eliminates all my fword tirades uttered in the privacy of my home when tech stuff frustrates me. That feels wrong on many levels, (AI).
    I don't travel. If I do, the a travel agent will handle the arrangements.

  2. I haven’t travelled in so long, I have not had the bot experience yet. You definitely have patience to deal with it so long!

  3. I had a long wait at the dentist office today. The dentist and her staff apologized. I was patient and understanding because I know they are understaffed, as is just about everyone these days. I think patience goes hand in hand with kindness, but not to a BOT!

  4. I like your view on patience when it comes to kids and spouse; but I too lose patience with when dealing with the bots. I've even been known to swear at an electronic voice.

  5. I just finished reading a book about AIs. There was an evil lien AI based on the masculine model and the upshot was that a male AI would eventually morph into a power mad entity and try and destroy, in this case, humanity, as opposed to the humans AI based on the female model which was more stable and wouldn't get power hungry. All was well until she fell in love with her creator, just as her creator found a real woman to start a relationship with, and expected him to return her love and affection. Last line of the book...He had better.

    Everything is done by robots these days. The internet has ironically connected us all and at the same time isolated us from human contact.

    I think the difference between patience and perseverance is that patience implies waiting and perseverance implies action.

  6. When the font goes whacky just select it and press CTRL+Enter or click on the Tx button at the top right. It willl change the text back to you default text. My patience wears thin when I am tired, and that's when I get grumpy. If I am not weary, I am generally patient and easy-going.

  7. Love your sense of humour. It is frustrating trying to communicate with bots. I'm trying to get my iron replaced due to a fault. It has been impossible so far to get a human. Enjoy your holidays.

  8. I really hate those bots. We've had those times that the automated responses just brings you full circle back to where you started and never getting to where we needed to be to answer a question. Aggravation!

  9. Mainly, I think I am patient, mostly because what is the choice. Running a farm that raised livestock probably was good training for that. Now, with old age, it is what it is :) Neat about the bot. Who would know lol

  10. I sagree talking to bots is a pain. fabulous bird photos.

  11. I had no idea bots could think. That's a scary proposition. Maybe Hawking was right :)


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.