Saturday, December 14, 2019

12 Months of Eye Candy

I have finished wrapping 90% of my gifts, hubby is in charge of the Christmas cards, there is very little baking to do for our calorie-conscious time. Therefore, I am going to sort my photos of this past year and give you one from each month as a thank-you for reading, contemplating and commenting this year. Since I have thousands of photos from each month (addictive), the first quickly selected six will be delivered now and the next six...whenever I can grab a little more time. Happy Holidays to you all and don't forget to save the wrapping paper and recycle!

Natures decorations in January.

My neighbor's sailboat in February.

At the feeders in March

A spring trip to the Kennedy Center in April.

Getting the Grands bird-watching across a restored meadow in May.

Here's looking at you, kid, in the summery month of June!


  1. Thanks for the "eye candy." All good photos; I esp. like the sailboat.

  2. Fabulous images Tabor, and I love the Bluejay, beautiful.

  3. Such a pretty collection!

  4. Love the pictures and look forward to the next six. Great idea! Happy holidays to you and yours. :-)

  5. What a great idea, especially when your photos so good. It's a wonderful way to share a year. I look forward to the next 6 months.

  6. Beautiful photos. Your neighbor's sailboat would make a nice painting.

  7. Good idea and uplifting, which we all can use right about now.

  8. I love your photos and I love this idea. I may borrow it, but it might have to wait until after Christmas. I am still baking and shopping and no wrapping is done yet, and then there will be grocery shopping and cooking. And more lists.

  9. These would make a wonderful calendar.

  10. That's a good idea and a nice collection.

  11. Think my favourite is the dragonfly? I love the way they cruise the highways of the rivers.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.