Friday, August 03, 2018

Some Days It Is Like Walking Through the Looking Glass

I have my HVAC annually maintained, but this year I skipped the winter check and when spring arrived the spring maintenance team found several issues.  The company explained they could replace some parts but with no guarantees as to how long this 12-year-old unit would continue to function.  I agreed and weeks later they sent us a repairman.

We are old people and my husband loves chatting.  So, as we showed this pearshaped 40-year-old to the basement we talked about house structure, property taxes, maintaining yards.  The man worked for about an hour on both the inside unit and the outside unit and then he told us that the concern for the loss of Freon was not an issue and we would at least not have to pay for that expensive replacement.

As he was preparing the bill at the kitchen table, the man brought the subject around to how divided our country was over politics.  We agreed but left it at that.  Then he began to talk about conspiracy theories.  We smiled and said that many people were easy to dupe if they wanted to believe something was true, but as a former librarian researcher (me) and a former science researcher (Hubby) we felt comfortable in finding the facts we needed to make decisions.

He continued talking and brought up the moon landing and how he wondered how it could possibly be true if that flag was flying in the photos where there is no atmosphere.  My mouth fell open briefly and then I said I had never considered that and I thought it was unrolled stiff plastic because scientists knew it would be limp---NASA knows more about the atmosphere than anyone I know. ( I had to later Google this flag issue to realize that there are people who think the whole moon landing was fake!)  Then he went on about flat-earthers' arguments and I began to get a creepy feeling that he was one of them.  

As he was collecting his tools he went on to tell us a story about his grade-school stepson who was being bullied in school and how he was teaching him martial arts at home.  When I asked why he did not bring the bullying to the Principal's attention, he said the bully was a black kid and they would not do anything because they were afraid of it being a racial call.  I had to take his word for it but was suspicious since he had been so strange in his deductive reasoning in all the prior conversations.

At least you do not have to be smart about conspiracy theories to fix the AC because he must have done what was needed since we have had cool air inside all this month!  (Yes, I do live in one of "those" counties, lord help me.)


  1. Huh. I wonder who he voted for in the last election. I wonder..........

  2. Some of those theories are ridiculous but someone or millions believe them! They must have skipped science classes in school.

  3. I wonder what induces people to fall for conspiracy theories.

  4. People with different opinions can be fascinating. The creativity of ideas wakes up brain cells I was told in the 1970s were dead.

  5. I find it amazing that some people believe the earth is flat. And the controversy over the moon landing has been going on forever. (shakes head in sadness)

  6. We are our own worst enemies at convincing ourselves of things that just aren’t so.

  7. I am not well informed on conspiracy theories, so when I hear them, I am flabbergasted. Flat earth? No moon landing? Holocaust not real? Slavery wasn't really so bad for slaves? Obama was foreign born, and Hawaii isn't part of the US? Willful ignorance is intolerable to me.

  8. this is what decades of defunding education and fear mongering and cultish religion gives us. the mountains of evidence, first hand reports, historical documentation all pales in the face of cultish belief. why people want to believe that stuff is beyond me.

  9. For some reason I have been hearing more about conspiracy theories lately. Well, several people are suing Alex Jones over personal consequences to their lives when others believe his nonsensical rants.

  10. Mostly people stay where everyone believes what they do. I guess it makes it easier but not so great for getting facts that might challenge their views. Bubbles are popular.

  11. So sorry about him. Maybe you won't get him if you need another repairman.

  12. RYN: I like that giant piece of sculpture. It's filled not only with horror but with passion. Did you notice Bobbie's kitchen is orange, the hall green, and the living room lavender? On my today's post, I posted Frank Ghery's Disney there is total chaos.

  13. Oh dear, it is scary when you really meat one of these people with weird beliefs.

  14. Oh wow! You got a real live one, didn’t you! Glad your AC working. They’re out there and some of them in D.C., I fear.

  15. That moon stuff is weird. Everyone knows that the moon is just a hologram! Its projected from Disneyland's Space Mountain. Thats why EuroDisney was built - so Europe could see the 'moon'


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