Saturday, November 19, 2016

Turning the Corner on the Wall

While I am not sure that the God most people believe in is anything like the energy of goodness that remains on this planet, I am sure that there is some good reason I am here at this time and place from some energy force I cannot see.  I have gone through many roller coaster thoughts about what this man who says one thing and does another or does one thing and says another while surrounding himself by white people who think that minorities have taken away opportunities for white Americans and advocate that women need to look "good" if they want to work in commerce.  (Artificial breasts along with artificial smiles, perhaps?  Whatever you do, do NOT contradict the men in the room.)

Anyway, before I get off on this rant that is happening on all social media, I repeat that I am blessed.  I will be starting today to train a middle-aged immigrant woman in better use of English so that she can work her way forward in this world.  I understand she ran a business in Peru before she came here.  I do not know if she came legally or illegally, but she has registered for classes, so I am guessing she is a legal immigrant trying to find a better life.  I feel the heavy responsibility, but I am practical enough to know that we are our own changemakers and not our mentors.

I may keep you posted, although I think this is going to be a bit of a whirlwind of a curriculum as she is super motivated and very smart.

As a mentor I get to bask in the glory of saying I am doing something to turn around this ship of fate no matter how small, while I ask myself, "How fast did Rome fall?"


  1. Teaching English as a second language is a great gift to give to someone struggling to get on. And it is also a good answer to the mayhem that is going on in the political sphere right now. Blessings from Dalamory

  2. So proud of you
    what an excellent opportunity
    for both of you...

  3. Tabor, thank for your comment
    Christmas cactus I keep on loft all year
    and usually water once a week - this is important
    so many water too much.
    They bloom once a year
    and so beautiful, grow slow
    and like I shred these were 2 tiny ones I picked up on a sale table several years ago.
    I think you would like
    since they really need no care and add some color by the window at Christmas.

  4. I comment on the blogs I follow by scrolling down my sidebar and hitting each new post. According to my sidebar you have not posted since October 7th and October 8th on both of your blogs. I though you were taking a break. Glad I checked. I wonder what has happened. Anyway so happy you are taking on a project to each English to an immigrant.

    1. Someone else said that I did not update on their posts. I think it may have to do with some setting I do not understand?? Did this post update on your sidebar?

  5. I just removed both of your blogs and added them again and they still only set up for October 7th and 8th. One Day At A Time is showing Gut Punch as your last post. But I can click on the title and it will take me to these most recent. I wonder if I have lost other bloggers and don't know it. When you commented on my post today I realized you had not posted in a while...only to learn you had. Yikes!

    1. I had been fiddling with the settings and the https redirect...but thought that solved the problem. I have my blog open to all readers. Wish I knew this html stuff better.

  6. Oh, wonderful. I thank you. She sounds marvelous.

  7. I'm glad you are doing this! I'm networking every way I can and sending small amounts of money to worthy causes. I'm stepping up and being the activist I always should have been. Like death, that man concentrates the mind wonderfully!

  8. Oh, and I think you should straight out ask her what her immigration status is. You might be able to help her with that.

  9. Do you know, here in England, we are plagued by that man on the news, in discussions every single day, it is horrendous ;)


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.