Sunday, December 06, 2015

You Cannot Get Away

Our first days south we stopped in Savannah, Georgia.  It is one of our favorite cities in that it maintains romantic southern charm mixed with decadence, indolence, history, beauty, and something exotic that I cannot quite put my finger on and that few cities have.  Above is the square, one of many, of that famous French revolutionary hero that fought for our revolution, Marquis de Lafayette.  The flowers are because of the tragedy in Paris.  Seems even on vacation the war follows us.


  1. I have only been to Savannah once, but I agree that there is something compelling about it.

  2. I have heard that it is a delightful town.

  3. the Queensland fruit fly issue isn't an overkill. In Australia, fruits from Queensland are not allowed to be taken to another state. In New Zealand, our fruit export will be rejected overseas, and our economy depends very much on agriculture.

  4. I had an opportunity to visit Savannah a few years ago and also found it appealing.

    Quite a while ago, I read Midnight in the Garden of good and Evil. I would describe the city as you have - maybe, because of the book, but also because of what our tour guide told us about its history.

    The squares there are great. I love the colors and beauty in your photo.

  5. ...even though the flowers represent sadness.

  6. I'd love to visit Savannah; it's on my bucket list.

  7. Some of that Southern charm can still be found.

  8. Regrettably the war is everywhere and we cannot get away no matter how hard we try.

  9. I really must get south now that winter is beginning to make itself felt in MInnesota.

    Very happy to have stumbled upon your blog, which is a delightful mixture of the personal and political. Will make you a regular stop now.

  10. My hubby and I made a trip to Savannah when we lived in the south, and we so enjoyed our visit there. Some rich history can be found there, and it's interesting to stand in Battery park and imagine wars of long ago. I wonder what Lafayette would have done in the current situation?

  11. I visited Savannah in June. We have been there a few times and I do love that city. You described it perfectly.


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