Sunday, January 15, 2012

Art Is a Three Letter Word

Photography, painting, music, and writing all fall under the domain of creative art, and therefore, are covered by the term "artistic license."  According to Wikipedia (not exactly recognized as the final or most accurate word on such discussions) artistic license is:
  • Entirely at the artist's discretion
  • Intended to be tolerated by the viewer (cf. "willing suspension of disbelief)
  • Useful for filling in gaps, whether they be factual, compositional, historical or other gaps
  • Used consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally or in tandem
I have been thinking of this as I take more photographs and tweak them away from accuracy in what I actually saw and as I continue to struggle at writing my tome about an archeologist in Australia.  (I have made it to Chapter 4, but since I am just now writing a chapter outline...who know what number this chapter is?)

This question also came to my mind when I read a scathing review in one of the national news sources about how pathetic the currently popular British television series Downton Abbey was as a fictional series.  The reviewer felt it was not historically accurate enough to portray the time period and the dangers of such a class system.  I view it as a wonderful soap opera and do not need all the realism of that time to enjoy the series.  Yes, there was more disease, dying, poverty and cruelty during that era,  but I just want a good story with interesting and stable characters.  Let the writers take their artistic license.

After all, art is in the eyes and ears of the beholder.  The result being that I am amazed at what passes for art these days and how people compete to spend money on it.  But as was discussed in a New York Times article, the satisfaction of being the highest bidder gives more credence to the artwork than the actual enjoyment of the artwork.

Is Damien Hurst really an artist?
Or is this collaborative project actually a form of art at this museum ?
What about Isaac Layman and his photography?
Or  this, the worlds most expensive photograph?

All of the above brings me to the big sigh about those artists who were never recognized by any marketing machine and are lost in time.  Street artists whose art appears and disappears daily, women artists who worked as nannies and died in poverty with their photographic art destroyed, soldiers whose writing was lost in the dust of battle.  Does it have to have an appreciative eye or ear to be art?  I do not believe that it does.  It just has to have the passion and soul of the artist.


  1. It is indeed a shame how much creative work has been lost in history.

  2. I have to agree that ART is viewed differently by many people. And who is qualified to say what is artistic and what is not? It is the appeal to the viewer that matters. I've watched a reality show about artists and have been shocked at the projects they are given to create and the reviews of the so-called ART critics. I don't think artists should be forced to "create" outside of their comfort zone or be a winner.
    I also don't think using excrement as an art form is art at's excrement....

  3. They shared about art.
    I will tell you what a perfectly beautiful image of the little one.
    I have not tried altering any of my images.
    Just pleased I can get one that looks pleasing to my eye....

  4. So many people are gifted, who we'll never know about. Makes me think about the revamped phrase, "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity."

    The person who photographed the world's most expensive photograph is very lucky. And by the way, I love the photo. Thanks for including the links to make your point.

    And also for including the beauty at the top. She looks like your granddaughter. Is she?

  5. What a thought provoking post. Much to ponder. I must defend Downton Abbey too. Love the creative license they take. Pooh on the objectors. LOL Who is that beautiful child?

  6. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Art is indeed a compelling word among the 26 letters we use.

    I write a lot about the 26 letters in our Roman Alphabet and with I had another 77 years to write more. As it is, I have strung out, like Christmas Tree Decorations on the edge of the roof, the photos and list of things I have done with the Alphabet, writing and Photography.

    Not sure you are even aware of some of the things I have done, but if you take the time to go to

    you can see a kind of history in the right sidebar.

  7. There is quite a furor over the art of Christo that is about to cover our beautiful Arkansas river. I understand Christo's need to create but to put it over a beautiful river? And the money that is being spent for it? He can do with his money what he wants but this? Check out his website for more information.

  8. just have to stay off that ankle. The rest of you can exercise. Isometrics if nothing else.

    Yes, passion is the key.

  9. I love that shot! I think making art of some form is what we were made to do beyond just trying to survive and particularity because language can be so limiting. For me, I think art is an attempt to bring the unspoken world of dreams and interior to life. It's also a good form of record keeping.

  10. Art is something that makes you think. Created by an artist to stir the intellectual juices of the beholder. Among other things.

    Downton Abbey doesn't do that, it lulls the viewer into a false sense of security. The danger is that the viewer takes such easy fare at face value. I have watched every episode with pleasure but have never taken it for a work of art.

  11. what a cutie she is!!

  12. Art, as with any beauty is in the eye of the beholder and quite possibly just in the eye of the artist himself/herself.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.