Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Since You Asked

Daughter is still doing well.  She has been allowed to get up out of bed after her recent doctor's visit but must try to be as still as possible.  (Telling my daughter she can get up but be as still as possible is crazy.  I turned around and she was putting laundry in the washer, emptying the dryer and folding clothes.)  She cannot sit up or stand for long periods of time as this large baby is very uncomfortable for her.  Her contractions are only a few a day now and she is past the point of major concern if this baby decides to come.  The doctor indicated that if labor begins again, there is nothing to do about it.  Daughter is now off the meds as long term use is not recommended.

My husband was with her on weekends and then I came up weekdays, but I will probably leave her alone these next few days as i have seen my hubby little since this marathon began.  Both hubby and I have to come back if her husband goes on work travel next week, which is the current schedule!  We are a little over an hour away, and that should suffice long enough for a neighbor to cover if labor kicks in quickly and they have to head to their hospital which is only minutes away.

She gets very uncomfortable as the day grows and has to lie down often.

Such an odd miracle feeling the babies hard head at the base of her abdomen...but that is where it is supposed to be.  It keeps stretching its little feet and pushing on her organs.  Daughter belches like a farm hand after meals but has a good appetite. Looks like some miracles take their time after all.


  1. Thanks for the report. Hoping all goes well.

  2. so exciting! your daughter must be comforted to have you there with her.

  3. So far so good.
    Good luck to all concerned.

    I enjoyed your Jamaica tales, seems like you had a good time in spite of a few missing bits.

  4. A new life - how exciting!
    Best wishes and blessings to you all as you await the delivery.

    We'll be waiting for the news...and maybe a pic, too. :)

  5. Thinking of you, daugher and family continually. I know your daughter feels more at ease with her mother with her.

  6. Glad to hear that she's doing well. Continued best thoughts.

  7. Great news, your tired girl must have been relieved to see you.

  8. I am glad to know that she is past the point of concern if the baby comes now. Good news, and I hope it continues.

  9. Sending loving thoughts and healing prayers for your daughter and her baby. Must be due about the same time as my daughter's baby ... April 17 ... very exciting. I hope we both have healthy new grandchildren. xxx

  10. Such wonderful promise........ take care and keep calm. thanks for sharing this with your readers.

  11. What a marvelous time for you all. Thank you for sharing it all with us.

  12. My daughter's head stayed under my right breast and she never turned. She was a breech baby.

  13. I am glad to hear your daughter is doing well. My daughter had her second child a month early and other than his needing to have time under that yellow light for some jaundice, he was fine. It did require a few extra days in the hospital and taking the light home with them for the first week or so. Good luck with it as it is both a blessed and scary time for the grandparents too.

  14. Worrying but exciting at the same time. good that you are lose enough to help.


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