Thursday, April 08, 2010


This photo above was taken during the war in the South Pacific.  The man in the middle was my husband's half brother.  I do not know if he did anything particularly brave during his tour of service, but I know that some of the battles on those islands were pretty scary.

When we think of heroes we usually think of soldiers, firemen, policemen and others facing an emergency and being able to save others while risking their lives.  Remember Captain Sully?

Today on NPR there was a program about Ryan White, the young man who died from AIDS 20 years ago.  He was a hero to me.  I will never forget him. His honesty, strength, humor, and leadership while only 13 helped bring an understanding of this terrible disease to most of America who were fearful and prejudiced.  His calm practical approach to dealing with this fate was truly inspirational.

There is another hero, from blogdom, that I want to mention.  She has been a blog pal for a few years, and I cannot remember what made me visit her blog for the very first time, but I kept coming back because she was a real life hero to me.  She wrote poetry, prose, and told things about herself that most of us would want to keep secret.  But she told them with such magical humor her readers could laugh out loud.  She made me comfortable.  Her name is Tammy Brierly.

This Sunday she is going to free dive out of a plane!  Brave for a 48 year old woman you may think.  But this is not why she is my hero.  She is doing this in spite of brittle bones, an inability to walk by herself and a continual battle  with other side effects of ALS---Lou Gehrig's disease.  There is no cure, but since her diagnosis years ago she has done more, and been more spirited and accepting of life than 100% of the people I know.  I have never met her personally, but she has become my inspiration!  She is making this jump to bring awareness to this incurable disease.  She spends most of her time now on Facebook so I did not link to her blog page because it is an easier venue for her.  

I am so thankful for heroes like these.  They certainly make me want to be a better person.


  1. Me too.... I have a friend of fb who has MS. She is on fb all the time...they should be friends..

  2. Tammy does sound like one amazing woman. No wonder you see her as your hero. Thanks for telling us about her.

  3. Wow, this post gave me goosebumps, fo reals. I really like stories like the ones you mentioned, way too touching.

    Hats off to Ms. Tammy Brierly, I don't know her but I hope it would turn out well. That is such a big step towards.. I dunno, a big step towards a lot of things, it's just amazing and empowering.

    Thanks for sharing. Can't say I didn't get teary-eyed.

  4. Bravo Tammy!! May your jump be everything you hope it will be!!!

  5. My favorite watercolor instructor at SDSU died of ALS. It's a most frightening and horrifying disease, and in his case took a terrible talent away from all of us. I miss him.

  6. This is a lovely tribute to your bloggie friend. She sounds like a woman who knows how to live her life despite the curves it's thrown her way. What an inspiration. I wish her the best of luck with her dive, and hope she brings much awareness to her cause. Thank you for sharing your hero, Tammy.

  7. RYN: I teased them all about that very thing yesterday. But that group teaches, they all usually agree on changed independently, and I learn every time I read there. That piece I posted today, doesn't resemble anything any of them would ever write. The changes they made in it just made it tighter and taught me lots. Thanks so much for commenting.

  8. That was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes. Thank you my friend. HUG

  9. Came via Have genes will travel site.

    That Tammie with brittle bones and yes going sky diving. This bravery and amazing. Good luck to her.

    Thanks for posting that,

  10. I wish you left a link to her blog. I will google her name. I hadn't remembered Ryan until you mentioned him. I watched Philadelphia Story last week (was resting and flipping channels) and was stunned at how I broke down at the end when Tom Hanks character died. I hadn't had a good cry related to my brother Danny in such a long time.

  11. You said you weren't sure if your husband's half brother did anything heroic or not but I have to say he showed his bravery by simply taking the oath and putting on the uniform of his country.

    Your other examples are good as well. So, doesn't it frustrate you when we call athletes and Hollywood stars "heroes"? It sure does me.

  12. A beautiful post.

    I kept going back to the haunting WWII photo - haunting because those boys are such young *boys*

    The picture emphasizes to me how unfettered from age or size or background real courage is.

  13. That's a great old photo to have.

    I don't know Tammy, but you are right - she is a hero.

    Has it been 20 years since Ryan died? I remember that well.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.