Saturday, June 27, 2009

Reptile Weekend

My grandson came to visit last weekend (Father's Day) and it seemed that all of the reptiles in our yard wanted to make his visit complete by putting on a show of support. The two frogs in the photos immediately above landed on the patio door windows as night descended, two different species within a foot of each other. Their suction-cup appendages clung to the glass and they peered into our room watching us watch "Kung Fu Panda" on the big screen TV. Maybe we should have invited them inside.

The two box turtles each made an appearance on opposite sides of the house during the daytime. One acted very much like a turtle and was totally terrified of Xman, probably with good reason. He kept his head hidden and he ventured only tentatively after we had moved inside to our lunch. The other turtle (top photo) was also terrified, but this resulted in a rather speedy run across the grass into the safety of the woods...fastest turtle in the East. He was the most stunning in color as well. (Don't let that angelic photo of my grandson deceive you. He is very much a Huckleberry Finn when it comes to manipulating those who love him.)

Xman was recklessly brave as only a four-year-old can be around them and even more brave to let this lightning bug crawl up his arm. We captured two lightning bugs and put them in the insect hotel, but they seemed to not appreciate the confined safety of a plastic room and did not let their lights shine during the evening as he drifted off to sleep.


  1. I always love examining nature with my kids and grandkids - and even when they are not here! Your turtle is very handsome and the frogs remind me of my own - although they seem to have flown the coop since we opened the pool and put chemicals in it.

  2. Loved the tales of Xman and the frog pictures. Isn't it wonderful what happens even while you are sitting on your own sofa. Cool.

  3. Awww - that angelic face on Xman is so sweet I expect him to sprout wings.

  4. I haven't seen my box turtle in a week or two, maybe he moved to your house....

  5. That kidlet is adorable. Such appropriate visitors for a little boy.. frogs, turtles. Any snips and snails?

  6. sounds like great fun for a 4 year old boy - especially if he lives in a "city." i love frogs and just bought a little frog house for them to run into here for privacy and shade. no turtles here, but several earlier in my life. everyone can keep their snakes - NO SNAKE REPTILE INTEREST HERE!

  7. Gee, our frogs watch tv too, doesn't seem to matter what's on!

  8. Your grandson is braver than me. I can't imagine letting bugs crawl my arm. He is a cutie! :)


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