Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fresh Start

When the day is ending it means you get a fresh start once again. It means that you can rest with the knowledge that you battled well and made it through and will have a fresh tomorrow to face the demons with more energy and new spirit. It means that somewhere, some spirit places a cool hand on your fevered brow and smiles gently at how brave you have been thus far. It means that morning light will bring clearer thoughts and renewed dreams. The morning light will clean the edges and you can sort the real from the false. You will see how far you have come on this journey and reward yourself with that thought. Sigh deeply and be thankful that your are loved by more than you know. (For everyone climbing that extra large mountain these days.)


  1. Beautiful picture and great insight. Thank you.

  2. Thank you, Tabor, for the gorgeous picture and your lovely way of expressing inner thoughts and feelings.

  3. What a beautiful post. The picture certainly embodies the peace you write about. I feel refreshed just reading your wonderful way of looking at the endings and beginnings.

  4. What the first 3 said!

  5. I wish, oh how I wish I could look at life day by day your way. You are a very fortunate and wise person. For me each day is a climb out of the depth and if I've got anywhere near equanimity by the evening I consider my day a success.
    Strange to admit, but blogging helps.

  6. Easy to picture the peaceful moments in your words with such a lovely picture of peaceful moments.

  7. Wow, this is a beautiful sentiment, like a prayer...and yes, the picture is beautiful and peaceful that goes with it.

    You've actually made my stressful day better with this post. Thanks!! :)

  8. Well said, and the picture is perfect.

  9. thanks, tabor. great reminders for me right now.

  10. Yup, I can go with that. Well said.

  11. Thank you for this inspiring thought, Tabor. It is very true. And comforting.

    Sorry it took me so long to get here!

  12. That's such a beautiful post! Thank you, I was just feel gloomy that the day ended, and that I don't want to sleep because I'm not feeling too good about my days, but this gives me a push forward, I'll go to sleep now with a smile. :)


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