Friday, December 26, 2008

Notes on "Busy"

Val was so kind to comment on the post below. In answer, my days were filled with a visit to the Botanical Gardens in Washington, D.C. which have the best display of miniature trains interspersed with houses, figures, etc. all made from plant life. It is a magical land and captured both the granddaughter and grandson and it was free.

I also went to the grandson's pre-school holiday program. This included quite a number of songs that they had memorized and a jingle bell ringing as they sang Jingle Bells. As you can probably imagine, the little boys got quite carried away with the bells wringing as they had been standing still for most of the program.

Holiday at the daughter's house was wonderful with Xman understanding the gift part of Christmas for the first time. He was so excited and thrilled to be passing out gifts to everyone. My son came early the night before and I was overjoyed to spend time with him and see that he seemed to be weathering the recent breakup with some balance. I hope to see him tomorrow for dinner.


  1. sounds like a fun holiday vacation. my sister is a preschool teacher, and i love her stories about the kids' holiday programs. often they are entertaining in ways that have nothing to do with the scripted program! ;)

    ohhh, the botanical gardens display sounds fascinating for all ages. we would enjoy that ourselves!

    still snowed-in here, but rains are coming and we are doing a rain dance of joy! we are ready to get out after 9 days of being home-bound.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    I'm just now getting around and seeing the range of ways others spent Christmas. I had fun too but I'm glad it's winding down. I need less cookies, drink, and more normalcy now.

  3. Sadly that excitement of "giving" doesn't seem to last long.

    I love your 2009 logo.

  4. Ah thank you! It sounds lovely - I suppose I ought to put a photo up on my blog myself. Better go and find the camera and see what I captured.

  5. That sounds very, very nice!

  6. Some Christmases are better than others -- and this seems to be one of them. Yingle Bells!!


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