Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday Thoughts #12

I learned and did so many new things this week that they will fill my Thursday Thoughts for a long time:

1) One of the most special times wishing someone good night after the traditional two stories, the prayers, the traditional made-up "monkey story" and the kiss good night, is when the little guy calls you back one last time and asks you to give him a dream :-)

2) I had forgotten how special it was to touch the back of a turtle and to let a monarch caterpillar tickle your hand and to let an inch worm tickle your arm.

3) Running and running and running is hard, but it is harder carrying back 30 pounds after all the running is done.

4) The muffled voices of grandpa and grandson as they make putty animals on the deck is like the sound of the ocean waves or the rush of the wind in the trees. Very soothing.

5) If you are going to the toy store to pick out a toy you have to be firm that the little one STAYS in the shopping cart. If you give in and let him free, all is lost.

6) Waking up to the sound of a little voice rather than an alarm clock is golden.

7) Bubble baths in the big tub are very wet even if you are not the one getting the bubble bath. And it is very wicked if your daughter puts some "squirty balls" in the overnight bag.

8) The biggest surprise of all this week was that he never got homesick. Sitting on the couch one evening, he asked my why I have my own house. And one other night he asked about his mommy and daddy. But not once did he fell sad or ask to go home. We are heading out late this afternoon to return to his home after a brief appointment and I will miss him soooooo much! I will miss him from the earth to the sun as he says.

9) I do know how to count my blessings.


  1. Those Thursday thoughts of yours are priceless.
    I love that he asked you for a DREAM!

    Bear((( )))

  2. Tabor, your make me smile. I knew it would be like this. Memories that will continue to be dear to you and warm your heart. I love that "asking for a dream" also.
    I still remember when my son was small and I asked how much he loved me. He replied "the whole universe full". He is in his 40's and this still makes mom smile.

  3. Aw, sweet. I have not had one to stay with me for over 2 nights in a long time, but it was always wonderful to do so.

  4. This is sooo very very sweet! Nothing like a little person to remind you of all that is a wonder in this world!

  5. these made me smile, and nod in agreement. they give you so much happiness and joy as you feel young again, remembering those special moments with our little ones.

  6. Anonymous1:43 AM

    I don't have grandchildren, but I volunteer in a Jump Start program for pre-schoolers and they do have a way of spreading the warm, fuzzy feelings!

  7. oh, tabor, such a heart warming post! you are a woman in love! i can see why - he is such a cutie. soon you will have him again. maybe you can take advantage of these years before school begins for him - years when he can come whenever it is convenient for all of you. after school begins, everything changes, and summers always seem to fly leaving so little time for all the things we want to do.

  8. Oh my God! Look at the way he is holding on to that hand so tight as he touches the turtle! I love it!

    Hey - did you get your video problem resolved?

  9. What a lovely story about a special time. The love just jumps off the page. He is adorable.

    When my youngest granddaughter was 3 years old she had a book that said "I love you to the moon and back" and she would say that to me. I decided to top her and said I love you to the end of the universe and back. She got the last, and best, word when she said "I love you all the way to heaven and back."


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