Thursday, August 07, 2008

Getting Ones Work Set Out for Them

My husband is off on a 'business' trip to Hawaii...something that is either winding down or winding up. Anyway, prior to his departure, he picked all of the above that are sitting in glasses of water on the kitchen counter. Various varieties of basil. He then encouraged me to begin the process of freezing this abundance for the winter months when their pungent goodness would be better appreciated. Licorice, cinnamon, lemon...whatevhah! So, tomorrow I head out to find ice cube trays, as I recently gave all of mine away. I also just added all of the pinion nuts to a dessert dish and those would have come in handy for a pesto. Planning is everything.


  1. Make some pesto, for sure! I made up a recipe for dinner tonight that included 2 TBspoons of basil pesto, chicken and egg noodles. It was really good!!

  2. Isn't that always the way things happen.
    You don't use something for months or years so you get rid of it.
    And then almost by magic you suddenly need what you disgarded.
    Happens to me all the time.

    Bear((( )))

  3. A reminder for me to do this with my basil, I lost my sage, dill and cilantro. Must be the hot weather.

  4. please tell me how you prepare the basil to freeze it. i have never done that and would like to. i love to smell our basil - it is so intoxicating that i find myself purposefully walking near it in the garden just to get a sniff!

    hmmmmm, i might have gone on that hawaiian business trip!

  5. "Oh, I won't need these ice cube trays ever again....."

    Home run for the guys who NEVER throw anything away.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.