Saturday, October 28, 2006


I think that 'mine' is one of the first words if not the first word that Xman learned in day care.


  1. sunlight on those pumpkins is nearly as beautiful as that smile :)

  2. LOL! I posted a pic of pumpkins today! I don't have a handsome tyke in mine, though.

    Yes, "mine" is very important to them at that age.

  3. What a joyful little guy picking out his very own pumpkin.

    I miss those days with "Mine"

  4. my mother describes me as the same as Xman as a young one - and i am not sure if i ever fully outgrew it! ;)

  5. Anonymous6:37 PM

    One of the first words my son said was, "more" - he pointed to the refig and said "more" - I finally understood he wanted MORE MILK - I was always asking he if he wanted more milk SO he thought the word for milk was MORE!

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Some of those are nearly bigger than him! My eldest son's first word was kitty. My youngest son's was "nurse," meaning mamma's milk!


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