Thursday, June 17, 2021

A Giant Bunny!

The day is lovely. Waters are calm and weather is actually very cool for mid-June in the mid-Atlantic. I am not a big boating person, but hubby is and so for this week I said we should take the boat out and spend the day on the water. He seemed thrilled. He had only been out a few times weeks ago and on his own. Well, I packed two small coolers with cold chicken, crackers and cheese, fresh fruit and carrot sticks and cold drinks. We made two trips to the dock to bring everything down. Then when Hubby tried to start the boat, the batteries were dead. He has a small solar panel attached to the batteries since we only use the boat about 8 times a year. Well the wires seem to have been loose and now Hubby is down at the dock trying to see if he can get a charge going and then run the boat in place and maybe we can go out tomorrow. I am hoping this calm spring-like weather holds! 

So now photos of the more unique items at the Philadelphia Flower Show for those who asked.
Above can you see the hummingbird on the left?
Above a hammock made of succulents. This one had me intrigued and I was wondering if I could do something similar. Would I have to protect it during the winter?
A ten-foot bunny!! Close-ups below. All of it is made from plants and botanical material.
Thanks for stopping by on this beautiful summer morning!


  1. So sorry the batteries were low. No humming bird. Yes, what are those thing that look like thhey are made of roses. Yes too, making the rabbit is the way they make the floats for the rose parade.

    1. Click on the photo so that you can zoom in. The hummingbird is a large as each of the red flowers.

  2. PS: Thanks so much for the nice note. :)

  3. Neat photos! The bunny has quite a look. As for the hummingbird...finally I see it. lol

  4. I really enjoyed the photos. At first I looked for a small hummingbird but then was able to see the hummingbird sculpture made of plants. Thanks so much for pointing it out as I wouldn't have noticed it.

  5. So amazing! But come to think of it, Philadelphia is the home of the Mummers' with their amazing floats.

  6. I have seen some of this kind of plant sculpture on a TV competition show that I just happen to stumble across now and then. It's quite amazing.
    I hope you get a fair weather boat outing tomorrow.

  7. Thank you for posting this. That bunny is darn amazing!

    1. I see now that yes.... that's probably a kangaroo. LOL

  8. Thanks for sharing these. I think the bunny looks more like a kangaroo... but cute. And yes, I did have to enlarge the photo, but finally saw the hummingbird! Hope you get to go out on your boat tomorrow.

  9. Well, different strokes for different folks in retirement. Your husband at the dock; you at the flower show ... with some spectacular photos!

  10. I, too, thought I saw a kangaroo. I guess we see what we're familiar with. Thanks for pointing out the hummingbird, I was looking for something tiny so no wonder I couldn't see it. Hope hubby gets that battery charged so you can make the most of the nice weather.

  11. That bunny is incredible! Love such creative pieces!

  12. Most creative displays! I, too, hope the batteries get charged so you can go out on the water.

  13. I hope you get out on the water soon. The gardens are amazing but I think your bunny is a kangaroo with a pouch full of flowers.

  14. Sadly, my eyes refuse to see a hummingbird today, but I am impressed with that garden.

  15. wow. I never imagined things like that when you wrote about the flower show. I hope you got your day on the water.

  16. I too hope you are reading this after a wonderful day on the water. And I just love that gorgeous bunny!

  17. Yes, i see the hummingbird, and that bunny is so big it could almost be a kangaroo.


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