Thursday, September 10, 2020

Life Is Too Damn Complicated

My first advice for the day is to not order expensive European chocolate over the Internet.  I know, you have probably never considered that luxury.  Hershey's Company has made it very difficult to find something not overly sweet but creamy and chocolaty in the USA.  They have been able to manipulate what comes into this country to compete with their overly sweet candy.  But in the time of COVID I decided I needed a fancy reward.  It tasted fine...BUT!!

Several people commented to my last post about their complicated life with passwords.  I decided to take a photo (heavily blurred) of my MANY passwords lists.  I keep them on spreadsheets.  One spreadsheet is titled SHOPPING/BILL PAYING/INVESTMENTS.  Another is titled COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE  (i.e. router, laptop, wifi...)  I also have photography, travel, and subscription spreadsheets with passwords.

This might give you a clue as to why I do not change them very often, but instead, try to make them complicated.

I had to log into a government server the other day for my husband's evaluation of some grant work.  That site required at least one lower case letter, at least one upper case letter, at least one number, and one character.  But it also had to be twelve characters in length!  I really wish we could implement safe biological scans soon.

Here are the many pages of stuff I try to maintain:

I have some sympathy for those who are not as well-organized. People, like my husband, find this technological world a nightmare.  This world is not for the weak of heart or mind! 

Oh, then you also have to remember the passwords to access the spreadsheet files on your computer!!


  1. Lake Champlain Chocolates
    If you don't find a sublime tasting chocolate there, then consider a tastebbud transplant list. My fav is their dark chocolate mint flavor chocolate and all the rest. Excellent chocolates.
    I feel like the photo of your lists is too much for my brain to handle.

  2. I try to keep my passwords complicated but memorable. I write them down in a secret place that works great unless I forget where I put it. I love any kind of chocolate except milk chocolate. And I wouldn't throw that away, but it's not my fave. :-)

  3. My very favorite is salted dark chocolate...

  4. I have so many passwords that I started asking that they be saved and still I have problems. For some reason my local library is the worst. I have to change the password every time I try to access my account and most of the time I just end up calling even though they are encouraging people to use the online requests. Well, lately it is so hard for me to read for any length of time that I have stopped using the library altogether. And my volunteering there is a no go this summer as well.
    I do keep a list but sometimes I forget to change when I have to come up with a new password. It's a pain.

  5. I keep my many passwords stored in a notebook...and in my head. The majority of the times, the notebook is more reliable! :)

    I love dark chocolate...very rarely do I eat milk chocolate.

    Take good care, Tabor. :)

  6. We have a little notebook made especially for email addresses and passwords. There are some cross outs ans arrows for too many changes to passwords, but it works great and sits in plain sight by out desktop computer. I also store some passwords on my phone. Yes. if my house is broken into or my phone is stolen, it will be a problem, but for every day, it's handy.

  7. My passwords are almost all variations of three rather complex themes, so i remember although sometimes i have to try two or three variants before i get it right.

    My favorite is the completely unsweetened dark chocolates, bitter flavors have grown on me over the past couple of years.

  8. Now I don't use them, but most of my co-workers do. They are programs that manage passwords. and are two I hear about most often. You enter all your passwords into their system and from there on out, you only have to recall one password - the lastpass or keepass one. Several people like it. Here is a review: Good luck. I may have to revert to one of these programs, sooner rather than later, I am thinking. Chocolate. Groan. I used to buy candy that I did not like for the Trick or Treaters (so I wouldn't eat it all before Halloween) but I only got desperate and ate it anyway - now I like the candy I didn't like before.

  9. Dear Tabor and Friends, yeah i've always wondered why the candy-bars, and especially the baked goods are made with way too much sugar - or worse, various fake-sweeteners.
    While i bake, during the cooler months, using recipes that don't call for insane amounts of sugar (most do), with the so-called corona, people are very hesitant to take a cookie or a few - hhmmm, is that part of the corona psy-ops? Sharing food = fellowship, can't have that in oceana, can we;/ i too
    would love to buy the better, less sugary/fake-sweetened treats, but ... cha-ching.

  10. I keep my passwords in a book. If I had to use spreadsheets I’d have one password for everything.

  11. I don't have much of a sweet tooth though I did before menopause. I never eat candy or vary rarely. one or two squares of dark chocolate and I'm good.

  12. I love chocolate but, unlike your other commenters, it has to be milk choc. I rarely buy it though because I am lacking in will power. I have had such a frustrating time with passwords that I have one very complicated one for everything. However, I do change it often.💖

  13. I keep my passwords in a small journal and try to keep what I can remember. Doesn't always work. I count on being someone nobody will care to break into my systems

  14. Found this blog by accident. Stopped immediately at the mention of chocolate. Crave the long gone Hershey Golden pecan bar (pecans going somewhere else, I hear) and Milka chocolate marzipan bars---always unavailable. I will keep returning here in hopes there will be more chocolate news. Be well.

  15. I also have a spreadsheet, and a password for the passwords. Sue has them randomly scattered in a notebook.

  16. All my passwords are based on food and amounts of food. None based on chocolate, though. Every time I have to change a password I tell myself, I'll think of something different. But no, I always come back to food.

  17. I love this. Chocolate is the best but I do try to stay away. It is way to addicting. lol
    I have several passwords and keep them stored where no one can get them.
    My hubby is very unorganized also but he does try to keep things written down. Things we need to get done and such.
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