Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Playing along with Words for Wednesday.

I got my "Words for Wednesday" prompt from Messymimi who got them from the link provided on River at Drifting Through Life.  This Wednesday's words are:

1. passport 2. movies 3. puffed 4. complete 5.transport and 6. bleach. 

 The "and/or" second set is  1. avenue 2. helicopter 3. fair 4. clearly 5. foolishness and 6. ability

My effort at something creative using  the words is below...if you feel like joining in check at Messymimi above:

"The rising sun hit the window bleaching the sky across the desert: this piercing sun and the jerky transport of the train shook me awake. I immediately placed my hand reassuringly on my passport as I began to clear my head. It was winter, but the calm weather should have dissuaded my foolish thoughts about the helicopter not being there at journey’s end. I fingered the folder paper and re-read the directions which clearly stated I was to catch a cab at Avenue E by 10:00 A.M..  I had experienced this kind of foolishness only in the movies, and while life is not fair I had somehow thrown myself into the unfairness of something odd and frightening just to see if I had the ability to prove my love and complete my possible destiny. As we slowed pulling into the station I saw the steam from the brakes feather the air against my window, puffed clouds naturally reminding me I needed a cigarette."


  1. Ohhh, that was fun. You did a great job with those words. I am impressed. :-)

  2. Great job! I am definitely not that talented! HA! I will not even attempt this! HA! Annster's Domain

  3. Awesome job!!
    Your writing skills are very good.
    Have you written professionally?


  4. I really like sets one's imagination into gear. Well done! :)

  5. It sounds like the start of an adventure!

  6. good job! next write something using them in the order in which they are given.

    1. Ellen, did you pull off the legs of granddaddy spiders to see how far they could walk with one leg missing and then two?

  7. I can't even think of thase this morning. I applaud you tho.

  8. Well done! Not an easy list of words either.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.