Monday, December 18, 2017

This Could Have Been Too Easy

(I have published a series of three blog posts on words and their significance in our current culture.  This President and his CDC could have made this fourth post waaaay too easy with the newly listed seven banned words that cannot be used in their reports and that they have released recently, and later denied banning them.  But this fascism is too easy to denigrate, or make humorous, or present an argument on how an administration that "talks straight to the people" --- and not allowing questions on the talk as there are always those "gotcha questions" ---  is dangerously close to destroying the first amendment.  I would like the White House to be banned from using the words "everybody" "they"  "moron"  "amazing"  "tremendous" and  "terrific.") 

BUT this post instead is about what I did today in my garage and mud-room.  This is the time of year that I must take care of those bulbs I refuse to throw away by fall:  my amaryllis.  I once had over 40 of these plants lined along the wall with French doors of my family room in my prior house because I just could not bear to part with them.  Eventually, before my move, I took them to a fundraiser and got rid of all of them.

This year I have slowly started that addiction over again at, perhaps, a better and slower pace.  Still, I have planted (counting the pups or smaller bulbs) twelve individuals in pots and put them in the sun along with 4 other newly purchased bulbs that I may or may not give away this season.   Not everyone wants a plant as a gift.

In the coming months, I will try to remember to post the beautiful blossoms that these amazing, terrific, and tremendous plants that everyone loves will provide.


  1. We grow a few year to year. Love those beauties!

  2. fortunately, I don't have to dig mine up but would have to dig up tulips, put them in the fridge , and then replant which is why I don't try to grow tulips.

  3. On the ban on words-- it's out there that the CDC has denied this is the truth. Some of the supposedly banned words don't make a lot of sense; so probably better to wait on a lot of what we read, as so often, it's not true and somebody made it up to get traffic or hysteria lol

  4. They denied banning the words? How ill of them.
    I have saved on beautiful amaryllis and planted it out by the garage. When the building was tented, we saved it then When its owners moved, I dug it up and brought it here. It seems to be happy....sun and shade. Thanks for the kind words about our party clothing.

  5. This is a much better topic than that guy and his banned words. While I remain aware, I am now mostly ignoring any reaction to this sorry excuse for a president and his henchmen and his misguided followers. Ugh.

  6. If i could grow things, i would grow too much, too.

  7. First amendment? He wants to hand the country over to the dictators and plutocrats, and the GOP is marching right in step. I shudder at how often I think of things I would like to see happen to these clowns, and how close those things are to what the rabid right used to urge happen to Obama. Even when I think but I have damn good reason for despising this guy, while those who despised his predeessor were plain and simple bigots and racists, the thoughts recur.

  8. Trump is always talking about how people are upset at how he's being treated, but he never identifies these people. They're probably all employed by FOX news.

  9. I have one growing in a pot in my kitchen now. It is in full bloom and is magnificent.

    I don’t want to think of that horrible excuse of a human being during this Christmad season. He and the Republicans are going to do what they want and there is no stopping them until the 2018 election. Hopefully they can reverse much of the harm he has done, just as he reversed all the good things that Obama did. Lord help us meanwhile.

  10. Bulbs herald spring, and those first green snouts of tulips pushing up through the soil. I have never grown an amaryllis. problems with storing bulbs in the garage and then the mice eat them. As for words, we should all collect them, luckily Trump will soon fall off the world stage and his childish dictates will be consigned to comedic history..

  11. I, for one, always love to receive plants as gifts. I think you are adding to the world's beauty with them. And those words... what can I say? The world of the novel "1984" all over again.

  12. AMAZING amaryllis, a great gift, perhaps the greatest gift in the history of the world. A lot of people don't know this and of course the fake news is not going to give credit to Trump who invented it. Be sure you say "Merry Christmas" as you give this holiday gift because it is an historical fact that the Puritans came to this country purposely to avoid the oppressive English tendency to wish family and friends a "Happy Christmas."

  13. It's funny as after your one word, I woke up this morning thinking that the one word for my year would be water lol. Lack of it when our well pump went out costing us over a thousand dollars but water returned. Then a leak in the water heater... fixed after water all over the utility room floor, fixed... leaked again, plumber comes out to replace the water heater with a new one... floor ripped up as it had to dry and new vinyl tile replaced... then yep, another leak this time a pipe in the wall to the utility room. So no washer or dryer for now, no laundry tray as the floor again dries out. I am hoping next year will have a word that is less destructive ;)

    1. WOW not a fun pre-holiday season. I am sooo sorry. I have had both printer and scanner go out on me. ONe a software issue and another mechanical. Not sure how I can fix it!! Cost of repair might be more than actually buying a new one!

  14. Words. I'd lime to add wuotas on the use of Twitter. Using cell phone to post comments reads like politician language.., sometomes.

  15. I bought my first amaryllis this year and am mesmerized by the beautiful red bloom that has emerged. I must surely save this bulb so will research how to preserve for another season.


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