Monday, January 30, 2017

Sorry, But the Truth Sometimes Hurts.

"This post concerns Donald Trump's elevation of Bannon to leading roles within the National Security Council. To review: the National Security Council (NSC) comprises important high-level government officials including the President, Vice President, Secretary of State, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Director of National Intelligence. Its main job is to use this broad expertise to advise the President on national security matters and assist in carrying out security directives.
Yesterday, the President reduced the involvement of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence from the NSC. He replaced them with Steve Bannon. Bannon has no government, intelligence, or high-level military experience; his experience is leading a propaganda outlet (Breitbart News) that peddles nationalist and white nationalist viewpoints.

This would be deeply concerning in and of itself. But one of the jobs of the NSC is to oversee a secret panel that authorizes the assassination of “enemies of the United States Government” – including American citizens. These targeted killings are fully authorized by law under the Congressional military authorization act following 9/11. There is no trial, no due process, and no public record of the decision or the assassination itself.

Just to recap the absurdity: the President of the United States has appointed a known propagandist, nationalist, and white supremacist to replace the highest military adviser in the country on a council that authorizes secret, legal, targeted killings of American citizens (and others) without due process.

What You Can Do:
- Call your Senators and Congressperson this week and demand that they publicly and legislatively oppose Trump’s appointment of Steven Bannon to the NSC.
- Spread the word about this news to your networks, since this is not getting a lot of coverage right now."

This was cut from a FB post.


  1. I found it everywhere on the internet this morning. I'm unbelievably upset.

  2. I have been thinking the D looks like he's doing propos like in the "Hunger Games" !!!
    It does seem like more of a dictatorship than democracy going on. I bet a lot he does will scare the bajeebas out of most of us...

  3. No matter what we do, we have to do some form of action. :)

  4. Thinking of you . . . . it really is serious. Keep speaking out.

  5. I'm writing letters.


  6. Wow. This is even worse than I imagined.

  7. I haven't been as frightened for my country as I am since the days of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Each day I pray that the breaking news will be that Trump and his entire team, including Congress, have been impeached.

  8. I am aware of this appointment. I've seen it addressed quite a bit. Seems to me the military and the intelligence community ought to be raising holy hell. Perhaps they are doing so discretely?

  9. Will be writing!

  10. My congressman and senators are sheep who listen to whatever the right wing generates. My congressman is actually Trey "Benghazi" Gowdy. SC's 4th district isn't exactly a smart one. A lot of people cherish that slimy little prick as a hero.

  11. It's terrifying. :-(

  12. Hard to determine if this is 2017 or 1937. I'm doing all of these things and also praying.

  13. Writing and calling. Very scary stuff.

  14. What??? Seriously? This is so darn scary!


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