Monday, January 23, 2017

Road is Paved but Still Bumpy

I bit the bullet and ordered a new desktop computer. I researched online at various sites and put together the things I wanted and when I went to the computer store, they explained it would have to be ordered. I got a solid state drive as the last time my PC was repaired, last year, they explained to me that it would last longer...and it is, of course, more expensive.

Well it arrived in the store yesterday and they said as part of the service they would remove "bloatware" and "set it up." The young man was drooling over the speed of the processor and some other technical stuff I can barely understand, so clearly I bought something way out of my league. I cannot remember the last tme a 20-something chatted with me!

Anyway, I picked it up and brought it home. It is an ASUS, which is a brand now under the DELL umbrella and Consumer Reports said it was well made and their repair response was reliable. It took me some time to clean out the old PC, dust, remove cables, etc. Then I got the new tower out of it foam snug box and took out the directions (6 sentences in English) on how to get it running. I miraculously found all the ports for the two monitors, the new keyboard, the mouse and the electricity. I wisely left the two old printers and Scanner on the other table alone.

I finally plug in the power cord and turn it on! I get the most beautiful red racing stripes lit across the sides and front as it hummed very quietly. I waited. The monitors showed nothing except that they had electricity from the PC and then they went to sleep. Nothing. No old-fashioned DOS prompt, no screen with blinking lines, nothing. I was going to load the one CD I found for the newer monitor, but the disk drive does not open except by computer command, so that is a null and void process.

I have finally given up and scheduled an appointment for a home visit as I am not hauling all this equipment back. He/she is coming tomorrow afternoon and I am going to watch closely what he does, because this is a real mystery...unless the PC is broken in some way!! I do not ever remember having difficulty getting a PC running.

Life is never easy even when you dip into the bank account to pave the road.


  1. Wow, sounds like how I usually feel about them in terms of a new one. Hope it all is wonderful when it's finally working. They are so critical to our communication with our world. I've gone to a laptop that operates a monitor and keyboard with an four part jump drive that plugs into the laptop. The advantage is no more saving stuff to the laptop before and after a trip or time in Tucson. All I need elsewhere is a monitor and keyboard. :) And the keyboard, where I use an ergonomic one is crucial. I go nuts trying to type on the laptop

    1. I agree. This laptop which I am now using is very tough on the hands and wrists and because it has a touch screen it gets quirky much of the time. I just hate this technical stuff and actually want to fight battles that I understand.

  2. Sorry you're having more digital issues. Tech can be so discouraging at times. If your ASUS ultimately becomes as dependable as my little netbook has been that I purchased years ago, you'll be pleased. Even so I may need to purchase a different one ere long.

  3. Soon I am going to have to bite this same bullet and it terrifies me. I never like to call for help. Technology is getting too far ahead of me.

  4. I have nightmares about having to set up a computer without my husband's help. There has to be a simpler way! The learning curve is just too steep.

  5. How true. I always find that stuff always goes wrong. That Murphy and his law drive me crazy. Hope it all worked out!

  6. Well my Dell which arrived a few months back, started up first time. It must have been disappointing to press the 'on' button and then nothing happens, hope it gets fixed today. I ordered a new external drive with mine, plus Office, but have still not put my old external drive on the new computer for photographs - just in case.

  7. Please remember, you are not alone in this. G has brought his old computer up two flights of stairs now. He's always finding that something he needs is on the old computer two flights down. LOL I so hope by now that you are up and running. :)

    1. Unfortunately, I cannot access the hard drive on the old computer. I do have backups, with most of my important stuff. Fortunately, my life is not that important anymore. ;-)

  8. I love the poem you left on Granny Annies. Felt like it was mine. :)


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