Thursday, September 04, 2014

Two Sides

Two sides of the same coin.  One side is smooth and peaceful and the other is detailed and interesting.   One finds days without tasks a dangerous passage of endless time where one can see one's mortality looming ahead.  The other finds days unscheduled with meetings, errands, duties, appointments, or social obligations important days to be filled with nothing but pondering the beauty of a rich life.

One of us can nourish the soul on tufts of time between hours of busy accomplishments and discussions with others and the other finds it needs huge pillows of time as the only way to survive in the cacophony of living. 

One of us sees time as something to manage and the other sees it as a rich amorphous fragrance.

And yet, we do manage to walk this road hand in hand.


  1. sounds like an introvert and extrovert ;)

  2. Two sides of the same coin? Perhaps.

  3. too much the same is boring, too much difference is divisive. you must have found the happy balance.

  4. No tufts yesterday, but the caucophony here was rich and rewarding. :)

  5. Well you have reached a nice balance.

  6. I think that is important. I bet you help balance each other out. :)
    Beautiful shot!

  7. Sounds like a Type A and Type B personality cohabitating... A creative Type B can teach that ole A how to relax and not be so 'scheduled'.... A Type A can help a B get more organized..... We all HELP each other --and the diversity is what makes life so interesting.

  8. As Larry Burkett used to say, "Two people just alike get married, one of you is unnecessary."

  9. In the movie (one of them) Robin Hood, Morgan Freeman has a line describing why he is a different color, and says God created wondrous variety.

  10. Having been a single parent time has always been busy, n even unrushed time is busy relaxing! Savoring beauty of the world has always been my best entertainment, tight up there with creating unexpected art I didn't realize was in me.

    Time is essential, yet fleeting....

  11. It's a tightrope walk of balance. I swing but hope not to fall.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.