Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No Clue

It is early morning just after breakfast and I am sitting on the sofa avoiding as much movement as possible since I seem to have some sharp, terrible, lower back pain when I do move.  I have not had back problems for over a decade, but I did something wrong, cannot pin point what, and am hoping it goes away soon.  I am also caring for my 3-year-old grandson all this week.  Hubby is off to neck therapy as I sit here.  We are a pair!  Grandson is happily ensconced with his second puzzle of the morning.  I am peaceful as long as I do NOT move.  What are the chances of that happening the rest of this morning?

I have had the little guy all week and today is the first day of pain and I really do not think it was lifting him in and out of his carseat, or crawling around on the ground racing cars, or sitting on the floor putting together puzzles or lifting him in and out of a bathtub.  It just started out of the blue as if I had scraped away the soft tissue in my joints during the night and now there was bone on bone!  Many of you have been there and know exactly what I am writing about.

I am just thankful that I have the "easy" child this week!


  1. Lift your head and look to the ceiling before you lift anything, it straightens the spine. Even if just picking up a spoon. I have not had back pain since I got into the habit of doing this.

    A 3 yo and back pain...that is TOUGH!

  2. I think when we do things like lifting a child, the ramifications arrive later. I get it sometimes from climbing in and out of our pickup (we don't have the optional step to make it easier) a lot of times. It doesn't happen the day of the event but sometimes even two days later. Good luck with it. Taking care of small children is a LOT of work.

  3. I wrecked my back one year after working on a big job putting in too many hours leaning forward without using the opposing muscles. I finished the job but it was a week later before I woke up with terrible pain in my lower back. So it could very well be the lifting of the grandson. or you could have pinched a nerve during the night or when you got out of bed. Take time out several times during the day just to lean backwards, like doing a backbend. I generally bend one leg at the knee while standing (and holding onto something) while I bend back, then lift the other leg at the knee and bend back. Hold the position for a minute or so. You need to engage the opposing muscles to the ones you use bending forward.

  4. It's hard to say what causes back pain, but rest and a little ibuprofen usually corrects the issue in a couple of days. And yesterday I had a wonderful massage that got all my bones and muscles back in shape!

  5. If it isn't better by this afternoon, call the doc. I thought is was A, and when I saw the doctor she said I snapped a muscle. All I did was bend over to pick up a bag of books. Probably too much info, but I am glad I went in to the doctor.

  6. Joe has a good idea about looking up before lifting anything, and I try and lift with my legs by crouching down and keeping my spine straight to avoid strain. I hope you're better soon.

  7. Ouch and more ouch, i hope you get your turn to go to the doc if you need to.

  8. Ouch. I hope this gets better quickly. Most back pain does improve. Laying flat on the floor, face up and pushing your back flat against the floor is a great exercise. Good luck. It's tough if you're in charge of a little one.

  9. oy. i slept wrong on monday...and twisted something...i paid for it all the next day...and i hope you get to feeling better...cause its going to be a long week with back pain and caring for the little one...

  10. So sorry about your back problem... I am one of the lucky ones and have not had those kinds of problems. (Knock on wood!!! ha)

    Hopefully you will get better soon so that you can truly enjoy the grandson this week.


  11. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Oh, I'm so sorry! Isn't it amazing how quickly it can come and totally disrupt your whole life? I hope it goes as quickly as it came!

  12. It may very well be an accumulation of those things you say it is not. I hope the pain subsides so you can have more fun with that precious child.

  13. Oh my goodness how will you make it through the day with an active grandchild to corral. I hurt just thinking about it.

  14. Yeah. Just out of the blue, huh? Couldn't have been all that child lifting, turning, stretching and crawling. ;)

    Get you some Vicodin. This is what the medicine is intended for. Short term pain relief to help you get through the next week to 10 days.

    If you don't want to go that strong (Vicodin actually makes me sick - or because you have the little one; ask for extra strength Motrin and a muscle relaxer.

    Good luck.

  15. I know your pain well. Sometimes it just comes from a little turn and you don't expect that it will do such harm. I hope you get relief quickly.

  16. These silly things that happen to us. Last night I awoke to sharp, recurring pains in my big toe. Sheesh!

  17. I have one of those, the "easy" one and the back pain that just acted up after a decade of nothing. I got some acupuncture on it and my reoccurring ankle pain, and it helped but still can act up.

  18. I sure hope you are feeling better now. Back trouble is so difficult to deal with.

  19. Ouch.. poor you. I hope it disappears as quickly as it came. You want to be able to enjoy that kidlet.

  20. I hope your back is doing better!
    Mine is throbbing from work last night... Sux being an old fart...


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