Thursday, March 27, 2014


I used to feel I wanted to be touched.
I waited for not only the physical whispering touch
on the palm of my hand,
but the sweeping touch on my heart,
and the powerful touch on my mind.

The touch that would make me swallow my breath,
give me flight
to soar over the universe
and see all and conquer all
and understand all.

The touch that made me into


The touch 
Kindling a fire that never failed to
burn bright and white hot
for its brief time.

The touch that reduced the impossible
to possible.

The years now trail politely behind me
offering only faint memories of smoke and ash
and little warmth, with a few glowing coals
as I walk away
to meet the not so distant future.

This is the time in my exploration
of the universe
I realize that
I want to be that touch.

I want to electrify,
to be the contingency in others before I die.

I want to punch potency
into others hearts and minds.
I want to send them up on a
spiraling cloud of heat rising
to see the universe with new eyes
and new possibilities.

My ego
Wants them to remember my touch
when they face their not so distant future.


  1. I was really moved by the words, "I want to be that touch..." I enjoyed this poem very much.

  2. Beautiful, Tabor. Not many of us are lucky enough to know a lot of that touch in our lives. All we can do is control our own behaviour and so this is a fine choice... a lofty goal.

  3. Thank you. To be that touch would be the best.

  4. Nicely done. I love your images of past trailing behind and future too near by.

  5. Oh my
    you bring tears to my eyes.
    What a beautiful poem...
    Yes, I have also felt that touch
    and after viewing many family
    photo's recently
    I long for their touch
    at the moment.
    May these special ones always
    remember my touch.

  6. Wow! That poem is impactful. You touched me.

  7. I never experienced that special touch UNTIL I met George at age 59.... I had been loved by family --but never had much touch. I was married young and had 3 children.. That touch was NEVER there... I truly didn't know what I was missing until I found LIFE in 2001.... Touch is SO important to me now --and I cannot get enough touching from my Sweetheart...SO special!!!

  8. Touching poetry, no pun intended. I keep looking my grands in the eyes, wondering if they will remember me the way I recall my grandmothers, their touch. You really made me think.

  9. You've got that magic touch in poetry and photography:)

  10. Kapow....but it seems to me as if it is two poems. Touching, indeed.

  11. That's a real feeling that you express so well.

  12. I thought at first, this was going to be hot and spicy. I am not disappointed though.

    I think all of our egos want what ours wants.

  13. Wonderfully composed lines. A good start and a good surprise as the lines progressed. :).

  14. Powerful...I love poetry, this one was captivating. Thanks so much for dropping by my place, so good to make new friends

  15. smiles...a beautiful goal i think...and purpose to be the touch for casts a wonderful legacy...

  16. Wow, this gave me chills. Such a brilliant turn around and way to describe what really happens (in a healthy life process).

  17. A beautiful poem to make us pause and reflect ....

  18. Anonymous12:34 AM

    This is what we should all aspire to. Thank you!

  19. Yes, that would be something.

    Good luck with that. And if you find out how, won’t you tell me please.

  20. this is beautiful and so true with aging. i love the surprise turn around mid-poem. i copied and pasted and am saving with your name. i hope that's okay.

  21. Very nice, it is a honor to be part of others lives

  22. Deserving of a POTW!

  23. Beautifully spoken. I think wanting to be that touch is a worthy goal we should all aspire to! Congrats on the POTW!


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