Monday, December 30, 2013

You Make Me Better Than I Am

With all of life's struggles and challenges, there are always a few things in life one finds restorative.  A few things that give the hope and energy to take that step forward.  A few things that weave us back into the fabric of life.  I believe that not only do we have to keep an awareness of those moments when they touch us, but we have to savor and re-visit those moments.  Close your eyes and think of the last time you smiled inside and felt ever so briefly restored.

Was it when you finally got that angel to balance on the tree?
Was it when your unshaven son gave you a scratchy kiss.
Was it that gift bottle of wine that reminded you of your sunset bicycle ride so long ago?
Was it that bestfriend dog wet-kiss that surprised you after such a long day of errands?
Was it that holiday card from someone you have not seen in years and years?
Was it that sale on a sweater you have been eying for weeks?
Was it that toddler girl at the holiday party who stopped wide-eyed to look at the tree?
Was it the patience from your loved ones when you burned the first batch of cookies?
Was it finding Grandma's platter that had been stored way at the bottom of the drawer?
(Yes, these are not universal incidents...but you can certainly add your own.)

For me, many of these moments were savored reading the comments from my blog readers that I read and re-read this past week.  Talk about restorative!  You make me want to be a better writer/communicator/photographer than I am.  You remind me that the great fabric of life is both virtual and concrete.


  1. Well, this post kind of brings a warm smile to my insides.

  2. It's been recent -- when my mother teared up hugging her eldest grandchild for the first time in months, and when my father later thanked us for making it the best Christmas by all of us being home.

  3. Lovely post. How wonderful that we can all inspire each other. That sort of makes us one big family.

  4. I feel the same way about the very kind comments that come my way. Lovely post, Tabor.

  5. This is such a blessing to pass on and come full circle!

  6. Tabor, I think you are the best...
    You have been there encouraging me
    as I went onward with beginning of my camera and computer in the later years of my life.
    Now probably 6 years
    and we have only met through writing online
    Thank you...

  7. smiles...i get a blessing most every day in the wonderful friends i have made online...only a few of which i have had the pleasure to meet ofline....

    i def get inspired just being among you...smiles.

  8. Oh, how lovely! This whole post makes me smile. :)

  9. Yes, readers are wonderful things to cherish and encourage. I cherish every one of mine for their caring and listening. Hugs and happy new year your way from here.

  10. Happy New Year,Tabor!

  11. Your beautiful writing always inspires me.

  12. Restorative, indeed. :) This morning Captain Poolie said, "Time to smell the rosemary. I will brush it across my fingers and hands and take it with me all day. To remember who I am and why I am here."

    May you have fresh rosemary with you both all day today.

  13. Happy 2014 to you and yours. My wish for you is a year full of lots of JOY, PEACE, LOVE and BLESSINGS.

    Happy New Year.

  14. lovely post. you sound like an amazing person. happy new year, tabor!

  15. It is spending New Years Day 2014 catching up with my friends and family. Happy New Year!

  16. Or is it reading blogs and finding kindred spirits? Blessings from Dalamory.

  17. Hi Tabor, I just finished a book (The Sweetness of Life) by Francoise Heritier last evening. It was recommended to me by an American friend who has lived in Paris for 50 years. Your list reminded me of her long prose poem which celebrates simple but magical everyday events.

  18. PS The book is available on Kindle.

  19. i am grateful for my bloggy pals. they have helped to sustain me through some very hard days indeed.


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