Tuesday, April 02, 2013

It is a puzzle.

Today is a beautiful sunny morning that will climb in warmth to the low 50's.  Daffodils are glowing yellow and speedwell has scattered purple blossoms across the spring dark green of its leaves.

Yesterday I finished ALL the laundry, sorted a weeks worth of mail with bills, watered my in-house plants, filled bird feeders, handled a travel problem for my husband, compiled a list of future errands, and should be sitting and smiling today with a review of my accomplishments.

Yet I am feeling as if life is a scattered carpet of puzzle pieces this morning.  I cannot start to put them together because I know that some of the key pieces are missing.  I feel overwhelmed a bit and discouraged a bit and just plain unmotivated today.  How incongruous with the spring sunshine!  It is a puzzle.


  1. Oh dear , I know that feeling well. Sometimes I have to take to paper & write about all the incomplete projects in order see the true picture of it all.

  2. I was feeling that way too and often do. But the daffodil did some cheering and a trip on a daffodil path helped a lot.

  3. A post-vacation re-alignment period. I hope the beautiful weather holds and that your spirits lift.

  4. Those are the times I go for a walk or read a book. I think after a trip or visitors it seems to take a bit to get your "sea legs" again.

  5. That beautiful shot of the flower is enough to cheer me up. Gorgeous! We are no where near having flowers yet.

    I always feel a bit out of sorts when I get back from a vacation. I'm feeling it now. Just disconnected or something.

    Hope you are feeling more yourself soon!

  6. It sounds like your batteries need recharging. It happens to everyone, I think. Sometimes it's all I can do to think up a reason to get out of bed.

  7. The busy days with a list of tasks to accomplish are always easier than a day you must make something of on a blank slate.

  8. Yeah, some days are just like that.

  9. "life is a scattered carpet of puzzle pieces" wonderful and just the way I sometimes feel. Don't know if I even want to start putting them together.

  10. I was in that scattered mode yesterday. Today was different. Guess it's good to be scattered sometimes so we can feel and appreciate when it comes together.

    Tabor, did you get my email? Not sure I sent it to the correct address. It was an invitation.

    Kathleen Martin

  11. April is the cruelest month. Don't get exhausted!

  12. Feeling unmotivated is almost a daily occurance for me the past few months.

    My puzzle pieces are scattered and they are all over the floor and I really don't feel like picking them up, let alone put them together.

    Sigh. Move over, pass the popcorn. What's the movie? Out of Africa? Perfect!

  13. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Everyone has a I think I'll just sit here day. And sometimes those puzzle pieces seem to shapeshift a little.

    Hope tomorrow you have a good peaceful entry into the day. ~Mary

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    It is a puzzle. I always find a walk helps me calm down.

    Lovely shot.

  15. How are you now? Better? I hope so! It's a lovely day here (MA) - 50 degrees and sunny. Hope it's still nice where you are!

  16. Anonymous6:58 PM

    I get that way sometimes. In fact, I've felt the same way all day today! Hope you get back in your groove! (Welcome home, by the way!)

  17. I completely understand. LOL And imagine, in the middle of my move out, I went shopping.

  18. Hi and Welcome home... Hope you had a wonderful vacation. Sounds like you did!!!!

    It's hard to come home and dig back into life... Where to start!!!!!! ha... Good Luck.

    We haven't had much spring here yet.. Hopefully this next week, it will finally warm up...

    I'm sure seeing your Daffodils blooming did make you smile. They always do, don't they?



Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.