Sunday, January 20, 2013


After we removed the Christmas tree we were finally able to move our breakfast-lunch-formal-informal table back in the bay window area.  Prior to that I lifted the tree rug that covered the central space and noticed this which falls directly below the single leg stand of our table:

Hubby calls these little finds "spider spit."  I think that is not a scientific or technical term.  But if you live in the woods you will find these spider droppings beneath your window ledges, under your cabinet toe stops and behind those doors that you leave open most of the time.  They usually have delicate webs hanging above them and my grandson is the first to notice these when he visits and he is crawling around looking for some small toy that has rolled behind or under something.  It looks like I never clean house, which I do and often.  Some look like little beads and others like what they actually are!  But I will tell you that NASA is missing a phenomenal chemistry here.  These are harder than rocks and hang tighter than super clue to wherever they land.

Do you have spider spit?


  1. I don't think so, but, I will be on the lookout!!!

  2. When the sun is shining through the windows at certain angles I sometimes see small webs in corners. I am cleaning all the time and wonder where did it come from. What you describe - do not think I have seen in this cottage :)

  3. We have spiders, but they stay in corners and behind things because if they come out the cats chase them. Haven't seen any of this stuff, though.

  4. Please forgive me for not sharing this with Mrs. C. but if she ever found spider spit in our house she'd want to move.

  5. Yes before we had our guinea fowl to keep down the bug population but never heard it called "spider spit". Lake country is well worth a little spider spit.

  6. No I have not seen cool is that!!??
    Hugging you

  7. Yes. Actually I was cleaning the windows in the garage Saturday and scrubbed it off the window sills.

  8. I did not know about spider spit. Now I will be looking for it all day.

  9. oh, I have NEVER heard of this but it's fascinating! I hope I have some around here so I can see it up close!!

  10. If I did, I probably blamed it on my other pets. I am not in the woods, though. Maybe that is why.

  11. No, I don’t. But I have plenty of cobwebs. Compared to you I probably clan very little.

    When we got rid of the tree we shifted one of the sofas. Blimey, you should have seen the dirt and dust under it!

  12. Oh, yes, I have spider spit! Lots of 8-leggers share this space with me and the 4-leggers! I don't want to kill them, but they creep me out, so I've been researching something natural that will repel them. Think I've found it! I'm going to try coconut oil and vinegar to see if I can keep them out without becoming the spider-hunter.

  13. We have spiders, but I have never noticed spider "spit"!

  14. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Must immediately go hunting for spider spit!

  15. Wow....we don't have those particular spiders here. For which I am very grateful. Sometimes I find fly spots. We certainly have termites tho.

  16. huh...have seen it...never really knew what it was before...interesting....

  17. We have termites and ants and spiders and rats and other vermin and have learned to compromise.


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