Thursday, January 10, 2013

Friend's Retirement Parties

I embrace with no reservation
The peacefulness of solitude
and the songs of nature.
Yet for some too much of this
is a breathtaking loneliness
equal to waiting for death.

The mindless little chatter
of long ago acquantenances
fills me with emptyness.
Yet for some it is a
breath of oxygen
and injects lost energies.

The passing years
now clearly paint the obvious
shallowness, fear, and deception.
Yet for some it is
acceptance of imperfections
and silly weaknesses.

The hand extended still shows the scars where it was bitten,
Yet some wounds heal much better than others.

My memories are somewhat harsh
and heavy to recognize.
His memories are nostalgic
and bring surety, and perhaps,
assurance of goals met.

Are we of two imperfect worlds?
Are we of two weak minds?

We are of two imperfect worlds.
We are of two imperfect minds.


  1. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Oh, lovely words indeed! Food for thought.

  2. Very thought provoking. I need to come back and read this again.

  3. I like this, but I find that the chatter of long gone friends was precious in a way. As I read, did I see any mention of joy in these two different worlds?

    Yes, every year my medicare and the AARP advantage plan go up so much that the cost is now just about what my SS brings in. G's insurance costs have skyrocketed too. No long term care here as the costs were too high. I'm really opinionated about this.

    Love the nuts. Thanks....they are joy.

  4. Yes, food for thought.
    Then again
    I love this time in my life.
    Do not miss
    endless and meaningless chatter.
    This time for me
    is a gift...

  5. Excellent observations. I especially like the juxtaposition of the first two stanzas. It means more having read the post that followed.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.