Monday, June 25, 2012

The Truth Will Set You Free.

Get the facts.


  1. I need to brush up on the details, but I knew it was a step in the right direction and I can't for the life of me understand how so many are so affected by the hype against Obama that vote against their own interests!

  2. I did. Truth is great stuff.

  3. I agree with Colleen.

  4. Most people are lemmings and do what ever Fox News puts out there. What is the Supreme Court going to rule is what I am interested in hearing.

  5. What are those famous words..."let those who have ears, hear..."

    It isn't often that those who most need to hear the truth actually understand it's the truth when they hear it.

  6. If the Supremes strike down affordable health, I am officially giving up.
    Just walk down any street in any town or city and look at the people. So many in bad physical health and/or with obvious mental problems.I just read that half the children in this country are on Medicaid or Snap. Is this true? That's our future!
    Where is our national pride, I think, as I look around some of the shabby neighborhoods of Seattle, a city that basically belongs to Microsoft. I guess Gates is too busy saving Africa to care about what is happening in his own home town.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.