Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I Support Scientific Research

I do so need to move this election on. I do not live in a state that is being bombarded with election ads. As anyone who reads this blog knows I am a liberal with fiscal conservative leanings and definitely a progressive.  I do not fear the discoveries of science and Republicans seem to be anti-science with preventative care for women and global warming denial among other science subjects.  I know that science can introduce dangers and can diminish the importance and beauty of life.  But I also know that science has saved us so many times (polio, salmonella, prostheses, understanding our planet, weather predictions, creation of fabrics and products that make our lives so much easier, etc., etc and even MORE etc.)

I do not understand why this fear is so overpowering and that makes me so sad.  Our education system is not keeping us in the forefront of producing dynamic and smart people and other countries are fast at our heels.  But this article really depressed me. 

These links disappear so fast but here is the start of this article if you cannot find it:

" A large group of Americans fear what Science is "under siege," top academics and educators were warned repeatedly at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting as they were urged to better communicate their work to the public.

Scientific solutions are needed to solve global crises -- from food and water shortages to environmental destruction -- "but the public now does not understand science," leading US climate change expert and Nasa scientist James Hansen told the meeting.

"We have a planetary emergency, and very few people recognize that."

The theme of the five-day meeting, attended by some 8,000 scientists from 50 countries, was "Flattening the world: Building a global knowledge society."

"It's about persuading people to believe in science, at a time when disturbing numbers don't," said meeting co-chair Andrew Petter, president of Simon Fraser University in this western Canadian city.
Experts wrangled with thorny issues such as censorship, opposition from religious groups in the United States to teaching evolution and climate change, and generally poor education standards.

"We have to plan for a future, considering the risk of climate change, with nine to 10 billion people," said Hans Rosling, a Swedish public health expert famous for combating scientific ignorance with catchy YouTube videos.

Rosling, pointing to charts showing how human populations changed with technology and how without science the majority of a family's children die, said it is naive to think that humanity can easily go backward in history..."


  1. I share your concern. Being a science and reason person it drives me crazy.

  2. "As anyone who reads this blog knows I am a liberal with fiscal conservative leanings and definitely a progressive. "

    Really? (g)

  3. I too am a liberal with fiscal conservative leanings. But I do understand that to have some services we must pay taxes. The TEA party drives me crazy. Not a lot of liberal where I live.

  4. Perhaps the most telling lines in the article are: Outgoing AAAS president Nina Fedoroff, a renowned expert on life sciences and biotechnology, said a growing anti-science attitude "probably lies in our own psyche."

    "Belief systems, especially when tinged with fear, are not easily dispersed with facts," she said, noting that in the United States "fewer people 'believe' in climate change each year."

    The current political race is full of fear and hate mongering - what better way to control a constituency than through fear and false anger? As authors of our own destinies, we write a pretty limited and dangerous story when we rule out all that science has taught us.

  5. Wonderful post... very enlightening!

  6. What drives me crazy are the far left Christians. They have polarized politics and lead me to pulling my hair out.

  7. We are so glad you have the decency to talk sense, when all around us seem to be blinded by the bottom line, and are completely unable to see the wood for the trees or connect the dots. In other countries you would be put in jail for talking sense like this!

  8. Science?
    You can have science or a country which is (over)-run with and run by religious maniacs.
    There, I've said something political about the US!

  9. You are so funny.

  10. Ignoring facts that will affect us all due to complacency in culture will definately prove detrimental over time.

    I know a guy who broke his neck, living n a wheel-chair- n if only the same stem cell research that healed a paralyzed rat could be done for humans, he might be walking today. Babies do not need to die for those stem cells. No brainer Republicans!

    There are still folks who don't believe Al Gore's slideshow, based on data readings of atmospheric carbon over the years. Science... don't get me started on human ostridges with their heads stuck in the sand...


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