- "Walking the dog, and Zara spook"...I overheard from a recent telephone conversation at my house. Some of you have a clue to what this all means....;-)
- One of my friends on FB posted that he was "splitting quasihemidemisemiquavers." I think I must be friends with some really cool young people.
- People spend more than 700 billion minutes per month on the FB site and, according to Facebook, 400 million of them have logged in during the past month (sharing and sharing). Keep in mind there are only 309 million people in the United States -- total.
- According to a recent Newsweek article in 2000 there were 12,000 active blogs and today there are 141 million.
- In the same article in 2000 there were 282,242 books published and in 2010, 1,052,803 were published. We are becoming great communicators.
- I asked for feedback on my blogging, and I got it! It took so long I almost forgot that I asked. It was not as harsh as it could (should) have been, but he did mention my age several times, so perhaps was afraid he might give me a heart attack if he was too honest. I was vindicated for not doing memes. Writers always need feedback, and this was fairly painless. He did suggest I needed more Eat, Pray, Love in my style...right!? Although it made me realize how boring I and my life are and made me change to "compelling comments".
- Someone keeps posting comments on my blog in Chinese han and I keep deleting them because I cannot figure out what their blog is all about.
- On the importance of using food to communicate love the less stuff cooked, the better.
- John Bassinger, retired theater professor, at 76, can recite John Milton's 10,565-line poem by memory. It takes him 3 eight-hours days to communicate this. At 76 I think I might be doing something else.
- If you send an email from an army.mil domain, you are sending an email from the Army. From foxnews.com or from nytimes.com – those emails can be interpreted as though you are acting on behalf of those companies.
- My husband and I have been married almost 4 decades and we still have problems communicating...but now he says it is because he doesn't hear clearly what I am saying! He says it has to do with not focusing on me...not loss of hearing. (That is flattering.)
- Maybe I should do the pheromone dance that the bees do to communicate my point!
- And finally, "Home is not where you live, but where they understand you."...Christian Morgenstern.
(For those who asked about the Thursday Thirteen challenge in a prior post---which I am not creative enough to play with any regularity---go here.)