Thursday, June 10, 2010

Outrunning an Inconvenient Truth

I was trying to work through the 1,000's of photos that I keep taking and then collecting.  I was trying to be honest and delete most of them because they are worse than mediocre.  We fall in love with our mediocrity, I guess, thinking it is a bit of our immortality and representative of our pregnancy with genius in some way.  The genius that, in my case, never gets born.  Anyway, I have many bird photos and a good portion are water birds.  When I took the photo above it made me think of joy.  Running along on the beach with the wind at your back and the waves singing a song is a pleasure in life that everyone should experience.

Now, as you can guess, this photo has the feeling of impending disaster.  I hope this bird can outrun it, but I am guessing time is not on his side.


  1. Don't sell yourself short. There is an element of genius in the commentary we choose for each photo; revealing bits and pieces of our psyches. I could watch beach birds for hours on end.

  2. You take brilliant pictures, pregnant or not.
    Or was that just the pregnant genius ? Too much physicality and I get confused.

    It doesn't look as if that gushing oil well will be stopped anytime soon. One more natural disaster which is far from natural.

  3. What a beautiful action shot!

  4. I love this picture - makes me think of the times I would visit the ocean (I have been away to long)

  5. and so i ask -- because i think it's my duty as the mystery birds keeper to ask -- can anyone name today's mystery bird?

  6. Beautiful picture! You are so right...impending doom. I can hardly imagine!! I wish there was some place they could all go and hide until this all passes. But will it ever pass? I don't think so!

  7. Bravo! I think sometimes that our best creative work is in going back and deleting stuff. But very hard to do. When I shoot, I shoot a lot...assuming that I will pick three or four out of 50 different frames. But I usually can't bear to delete stuff, thinking, "maybe someday I can crop this differently" my archive is loaded with junk. But so hard to delete it.

  8. That one picture is indeed a statement of this moment as our ocean life attempts to win the race. I believe this horrible outcome will be reversed and stopped but how sad the loss until it is contained.

  9. Anonymous4:20 PM

    OMG, that would be the perfect billboard shot for this whole mess. I know which side would use it, too.

    My computer just died with around 1000 shots carefully categorized and saved--on the desktop!
    My husband thinks he can retrieve them, I don't care either way.

  10. Do I gather that that's a flightless bird? Also, nonswimming?

  11. This is a beautiful shot, and boy do I ever hope this little guy can outrun the doom.

  12. Yes, I hate to suggest keeping it. :) Here the rule is, keep the original and the photoshopped version if you use it. Delete the rest.

  13. Perfect beauty endangered by humans. I have trouble weeding photos too, even the poorer ones show a memory or thought you had. Would mine were half the quality of yours!

  14. Sorry, anonymous was me, celia, fat fingering the keyboard today, don't you think it should say anonymouse,ha,ha.

  15. Your photos are always wonderful and I suspect that a fair number of the never-been-published ones are too. But I have to mostly agree with Maggie's rule of thumb. I keep what I use, and probably just a few more, and delete the ones that I'm not likely to look at again.

  16. I have been going through all of my photos this week too. I have deleted many but I find it difficult to get rid of some of the images even though they aren't great.

    You are being way too critical of your talent. I love your bird photo by the way and I'm not even into birds.

  17. What a change on a dime! From freedom to running in fear.

    My husband just mistakenly lost 3 years worth of my photos! He was so sick about it I could hardly be mad but do feel some greif.

  18. I am not at all conversant with birds, but wonder if your excellent pic is of a sandpiper.

    I hate to delete any picture I have taken and must learn to be more critical. I'm sure my kids will have not trouble deleting almost all of them.




Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.