Saturday, May 22, 2010

Spilled Fortune

If you are the kind of optimistic person who carefully plants seeds in the cold dark days of late winter and places them on heating pads under grow lights only to be disappointed that a tiny 30% actually germinate, be patient.  My husband's Thai Pepper plants spent 6 weeks in the little pots of seedling soil, and just as he was ready to toss them all into the compost pile, they perked their green pointy heads to the surface.  They germinated!

Another reason to be optimistic is when accidents happen.  I spent much time planting outside on the patio a few weeks later and put my little trays of seedlings from various annuals and a few perennials in the cold frame and watched them with intense love and interest as spring came and went.  One one of the breezy spring days I had accidentally spilled some seeds on the patio, and I cannot remember what they were.  I just remember the little envelope escaped my hands.  Looks like all that nurturing and care are not really necessary.  When a plant is ready to grow it will survive almost anywhere.

I will be most intrigued to see what these turn out to be if they actually bloom!  (They are looking more and more like baby bok choy...darn!  Looks like hubby spilled some seeds as well since he does the vegetables.  We had to clean the patio and thus it looks like these all went out the little holes.)


  1. Such a sweet mystery mother nature will let you know soon.

    Dorothy from grammology

  2. Delightful. Nope, my green thumb turned black.

  3. I love it when plants come up where you least expect them.

  4. whatever these seedlings turn into when they are grown up, treat them kindly!

  5. when growing is what you do, you do it! Don't you love the plant world and what it teaches us?

  6. I just pulled up a whole bunch of poppy seedlings from the interstices between my patio pavers. I felt very sad, and I apologized as I destroyed them. But they grow about 2 feet high and it's a small patio. I left them around the edges, but not in the middle.

  7. My problem is that I forget where I plant seeds in the garden and sometimes plant over them. I love to see what comes up just to solve the problem of forgetting. My Italian flat beans, lettuce and arugula are all doing great right from seed in the ground.


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.