Friday, April 16, 2010

Privilege Has Its Price

My grandchildren are very privileged and we will certainly reap the problems of that in years to come, but their joy is an immediate reward.  During our week in Long Boat Key, Florida, they went to the Seafood Fest for face painting and carnival rides; they went to a zoological garden to feed animals and watch a bird show; they challenged their parents at putt-putt golf, spent days at the pool and the beach, and did Disney World as only toddlers can.  They even spent an afternoon at the children's science museum--G-Whiz.  During 'down' times they watched videos, were read stories and we even squeezed in an Easter egg hunt!  Very different than my childhood vacations which usually consisted of reading comic books under the tree on the farm after I had finished my chores.  There are pros and cons to both life styles, I guess.

We are working hard to make this gal a nature lover. But, in all fairness, the flamingo birds were much taller than her!  She did get a kick out of their pretty 'pink' color which is her favorite, of course.  Below the lights of my life  are filling the moat to the castle with least attempting this challenge.

Above my little gal gossips about Ariel with Belle at Disney World.  If you don't know who Belle is, than you are definitely not a Fairy Tale aficionado and must get with the program.


  1. Disney world is great for kids getting to have their heroines come to life. Looks like you are all having a great trip.

  2. Hi Tabor! Yeah, she is privileged Tabor. I love the last pic, what a capture! :)

  3. I do love flamingos! I've only seen them in the zoo.

    Today's children (Oh dear God I suddenly sound like my mother!!) ..are so busy and so used to BEING entertained.

    I agree....

  4. What great photos! I hear you about the pitfalls of todays kids. It is scary if you think about it. But I so enjoy giving to mine too!!

  5. I understand all you share. It seems that children today have to be entertained constantly. My childhood and my children's was different. We entertained ourselves. My little ones and the grandchildren in college are on the move continually. I almost feel sorry for them.
    Your little ones are beautiful!!!

  6. What wonderful photos! I swept the family away on a Disney Vacation three years ago, and they still talk about it like yesterday. And yes, my grands had the Best Time Ever!!!

  7. Your grands are adorable, Tabor.... YES---times have changed (and I'm not always happy with that). My oldest granddaughter's other grandfather bought her a car when she turned 16.... I was sorta shocked. BUT--I kept my mouth shut... ha

    Have a great weekend.

  8. It's great to know that while they're kids, they get to have a go at these kinds of things. I'm 18 and at my age, I already envy kids of today who get to experience things I just recently experienced.

    Cool flamingoes, I think I've never seen one in real life!

  9. Don't b e too pessimistic about the privilege - it doesn't have to lead to problems. Lovely kids, lovely post.

  10. Your granddaughter is adorable. I love her little turned up nose; so cute.

  11. My childhood vacations sound more like yours, my own grandchildren do far more organized activities than I ever dreamed of.

    Love your granddaughter's intent look in the last photo.

  12. Yes, I have one that's privileged, and 13 that aren't. Even if you are given all the best of life, it doesn't matter if you are lazy or have alcoholism. Ahhhhhhhh.....

  13. Such sweet photos. I know about privileged grand kids - and some who were damaged by divorce. It breaks your heart to see that, and then they get given things instead of love, due to guilt. I don't know which is worse.

  14. When I was in second grade a million years ago, my teacher read us all of the Laura Ingals Wilder books (Little House on The Prairie etc-) and we marveled together about how much times had changed - and how different our lives were compared to Laura's. We thought about how hard the child Laura worked everyday..and how they invented their own fun in the evenings.This was before any of us had televisions in our homes!

  15. Wonderful photos, great to see you enjoying time with the family! Yes there are two sides to being privileged, but one must live and enjoy while they can because we never know when that privilege can be taken away!

    I think the main thing is to enjoy and where the children are concerned it must be taught to them that they are privileged and to appreciate what they have.

  16. sorry, no, don't know who belle is, but love the lights of your life.

  17. Bryce got scared of a crawdad recently. He says "I scared," and it melts me.

    I know Tinkerbell but not Belle.

    Your grandkids are precious.

  18. They're gorgeous. I love the photos of your wee one hiding from the flamingos.. that's priceless. :)

  19. What a wonderful time with the grandchildren. I think it's OK to be priviledged as long as the kids don't grow up expecting everything to be handed to them. I have a feeling that yours will turn out just fine.

    I'm afraid I don't know who Belle is. I guess I'm not in the loop.

  20. Oh my, aren't they adorable? :) Wonderful fun!
    Reading under the apple tree was fun too though. Pure bliss in my book.
    Your photos are treasures.


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