Monday, March 01, 2010


(Needless to say, my last post left my dozen readers curious...just mention s*x and the browsing becomes careful reading...well, maybe some day I will elaborate...)

My blogging over the years has created wonderful connections with so many interesting people that I would have not met otherwise, being somewhat the hermit that I am.  Thus, this trip to Florida brought to light a number of interesting references to my blogmates---whatever those are---and I will link to those bloggers who came to mind as I traveled.

We stopped first in Charleston and spent much of our cold and windy time there darting into various stores and restaurants.  We did pass this ancient bell near the time of  Barry's blog bell ringing celebration that filled the blog air around the globe with music.  It was a reminder of his last week of 'therapy' and certainly an omen as I do not know why I felt compelled to take the photo of this old bell. Later research revealed that years ago there were three bells that rang on all fire alarms until 1927, and then only on second and third alarms. These bells also alerted the city to hurricanes, severe temperature changes, and notable national events, such as Barry reaching his monumental goal. 

There are certain clues that let you know you are entering the authentic south and one of these was what awaited us when we checked into our hotel.  We had checked into a small hotel near town and found a lunch sack of goodies from the manager.  They included hard candies, a small bag of taco chips and this can of Yoohoo chocolate drink.  Only in the South can you get such healthy gifts!  Note that the can says it contains 7 vitamins and minerals in order to justify its existence!  There was only ONE can, so we had to share.  I have not drunk this in years and probably/hopefully never will again!

In the next post we actually run into Butler and Bagman in Savannah, of all places!


  1. I'll never forget how you were on minute from my house!

  2. Yes, a regret of mine.

  3. Ah, we will soon get to find out what Mark is really like. Does he have three heads and argue with the Butler and Bagman side of himself? Has he managed to fulfill his post Avatar dream of turning blue?

    I'm staying tuned!!

  4. I enjoyed your last post, and had to laugh that you had mentioned the peaked interest of readers. It makes sense, doesn't it? "No cable, unreliable electricity, since I'm not a surfer, it's time for Melrose Place, island style..." that would be the natural reaction of many, and the other natural reaction would be to sit back and watch it all.

    Have you ever read Mansfield Park, by the way? In that Fanny is...deemed by many of the most inert heroines in literature...much happens around her, and she watches. Much of what happens could be put down to, "and before we had many forms of entertainment available, we had to keep each other amused."

    So that's what you got me thinking about. When people are at loose ends? They set about creating their own, entertaining drama :-)

    On to this post! One of the coolest things about the internet is that we meet people with whom we have a natural affinity through the exchange of ideas. Although the friendships formed don't fit the "and then we went out to lunch, and gossiped over samosas" template of our everyday social connections, they are nonetheless real.

    It's so nice to have those moments of connection. Driving around, seeing a bell, and having it have emotional resonance. I think that's the nicely quality about friendships formed on the internet. Since they are so often about the exploration of ideas, and thought, dreams, form at all...they must strike a deep chord within us because there won't be much samosa-the-waiter-is-cute-giggling sort of connection.

    I really need to quit commenting when I'm hyper from coffee. Here's what i'm getting at, that you mentioned being hermetic by nature...but really, what if isn't that, but that your natural affinity for forming connections goes beyond samosa giggling? That it isn't about being social, or not social, but being tuned to a different frequency for resonating connections?

    I ponder this a lot (and then go on, and on about it, clearly) but friendships of a deep and lasting nature, before the advent of mass transportation were formed via correspondence. The internet has returned that to us.

    I think that's what people forget about penpals...that the deepest connections were formed via the written word, the permanence of that. The concrete evidence of connection.

    Not that the waiter isn't cute, and the samosas yummy, mind you :-)

  5. Dearest Shimp you are so prosetic and so on target! I wonder if that is why we may find more lasting marriages via the Internet? I love the way you put my ideas into words ;-)

  6. I love the Carolina s, especially Charleston and look forward to visiting soon..Seems like your having a great trip...

    Dorothy from grammology

  7. I enjoyed reading the story behind the photo on your last post and your hotel experience in this one. Hoping to read more about your travels. Will you make it to South Florida any time soon?

  8. Connections are often like little frizions of light across the web to me. Their warm and tingley as well. and I've had too much coffee on top of too many late nights.
    Can't wait to hear what Markle is like.


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