Monday, January 04, 2010

Leftover Sparkles

I thought that we had gotten all the decorations tucked away into their respective and carefully labeled boxes. We had braved the cold weather and brought in the extension cords and timers from outside. Then I looked out my window and saw that someone thought we were rushing things just a little.   Fortunately,  these sparkles do not use electricity and someone else is responsible for putting them away.


  1. Best decorations ever. :)

  2. What joy to think of them as decorations. Yep they are the cheapest and the best and we are surrounded by them.

  3. The best kind. I'm procrastinating.

  4. Beautiful! I woke up this morning on a cold winter's day to see the trees and sidewalks glittering with encrusted diamonds of new-fallen snow. To quote Hillary: "The best decorations ever."

  5. They are ever so much better than man-made sparkles!!

  6. What a nice smile you give us. :)

  7. Wow, what a contrast to what I see through my window. Thanks for that!

  8. I just read the movie reviews and don't really have anything to say to them so I'll just tell you how great these pictures are.

    I'll have these any time of year, are they drops of ice water or baby icicles?

  9. Friko, they are drops of water undecided about whether they will freeze or not!


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.