Monday, June 04, 2007

Hanging on

I had another one of those awful days at the office. People coming to complain about stuff I have no control over. Other people defending their reason for not being able to do something that was technologically doable ten years ago. Finally someone concerned about public information I sent out that they didn't think should be public, although by law it is. And, of course, the 15th response to some budget defense for a budget that doesn't happen for at least three more years!

I need to retire. I am too old to get caught up in this carnival of agonies. Some days, and thankfully not every day, I HATE my job.

So I am going to do something about it! I am getting my boss to approve a shorter workweek, and my boss is amenable, being a short-timer. It will be at some financial cost , but I am so stressed that I think it will be worth it. It will also mean I have less clout with other staff, but I am tired of fighting battles.

I am asking the retiremnet people to crunch the numbers and if they are not too painful I am going to trade time for money. Anyone else done this?

After a day like today I will have several sleepless nights before I get back to normal.


  1. I'm sorry Tabor, that sounds like a pain in the butt! I'm sure you'll figure it all out and be happier. Less money is worth it. You go gal :)

  2. Thanks, Tammy. I know that I should be more resilient at my age, but that is just not my personality.

  3. My husband was number crunching today and he can retire in January with a reduced pension but he's not ready. I, on the other hand, am past ready but have to hang in a while longer. I agree that when you reach a certain age you don't want to deal with a whole lot of bullshit and you certainly don't want to be losing sleep. If you can live comfortably on a pension go for it!

  4. Ive tried to number crunch. The state (UK) says I can retire now I am 60, but my work pension says not till I am 65 - and they will dock 28% of it for life if I go "early". I tried to get my part time years back in the eighties included, but after taking them to a tribunal court of employment (at their behest) my request was turned down.

    So right now, I have just been told that I have to move from my entertaining and exciting current job into something grey and bleak that any office administrator could handle. But with no chance of going early as the numbers didnt crunch in my favour :o(

    I may get over time...but it will need a lot of meditating and contemplation!

    Hope it all goes well for you. Why should we have to suffer it it is avoidable. Go for it!

  5. Val, is this an age discrimination thing?


Take your time...take a deep breath...then hit me with your best shot.