I stopped blogging and did not miss it much. I did miss reading the comments of blogger buddies, though. I sometimes read a few but felt as if I was listening in on a time warp.
We are having the third day of a nasty winter storm here in the mid-Atlantic. Of course, most of the United States is experiencing some of this disaster as planes and trains have stopped or been postponed. We got 8 inches here and today is a blistering 12 degrees F with a wind! I ended up cleaning a closet and sorting tiny shells to pass the time.
This past Monday I was supposed to begin radiation treatments for a breast cancer discovered before the holidays. I am very lucky in that the surgery removed all of the cancer but other issues arose such as a branch blockage on my heart. I also discovered that there is a epidemic of breast cancer among middle aged women, so I will not complain as I am pushing 80! The increase seems to be due to pollution issues and perhaps stress in living these days!
Our holidays were unusually busy perhaps due to my diagnosis and also due to new friends. I cannot complain but I am glad the holiday rush is behind us. Now onto reading all my blogger friends.