The move itself helped us filter our junk. There are always boxes of stuff that you save and no longer use. Also boxes of duplicates or backups of stuff you have never needed. Then when you empty the drawers and empty the closet shelves you realize that life can get cluttered with so much more "stuff" than any human ever needs.
People who are always on the move, perhaps news photographers or people who work from ships such as international doctors, have just basic essentials and may store just a bit of memory "stuff" in a closet or rental unit somewhere. Their life activity and memories are their "junk".
This line of thinking all started with my search for my wedding dress (really a muumuu) and I have not been able to find all. Did I get rid of that thinking I would never be able to get into it? Did I actually give it away?? I have no clue because I can still see it in the box with the tissue.
I did find the shoe box below with the label: SEEDS GLASS JUNK
In the jar at the very top of the box is a collection of sea glass. That brown bone-like structure in the upper middle is a piece of really interesting wood that has been worn down. It looks like a fish skeleton, doesn't it? Bits of seeds and feathers and all. And, I will not throw out this box. I collect stuff like this all the time! I will leave it to my kids to dump into the bin after I leave this planet. So I guess I clearly lack discerning nature for saving stuff since I cannot find my wedding dress!